The Association for the Study of the History of the Workers' Movement (AÉHMO) was born from an exhibition organized in Lausanne in 1979 for the fiftieth anniversary of the Vaud Trade Union Cartel. In 1980, an archive deposit was established at the Manuscript Service of the Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne-Dorigny and a working group was launched for bibliographic research.
The AÉHMO aims to raise awareness of the political and social history of the workers' movement in French-speaking Switzerland, Switzerland and beyond. Since 1984, it publishes every year its Cahiers d'Histoire du Mouvement Ouvrier.
Today the AÉHMO has around 300 members, a third living in Geneva, the second the canton of Vaud, Neuchâtelois, Jurassiens, Fribourgeois and Tessinois mainly occupying the last third. The annual subscription, which includes the Cahiers, is fixed at the low price of 30 Swiss francs.
External links
[last updated 8 July 2020]