Nordic labour history conferences have been organized by the labour history institutes of the Nordic countries since 1974. The last conference took place in Reykjavík, Iceland, in 2016 and the participation and variety of sessions and papers illustrated the renewed interest in labour history in the Nordic countries. The conference led to the founding of Nordic Labour History Network and a more systematic cross-nordic cooperation, showing that the field is vivid and growing.
The next Nordic Labour History Conference – taking place at the Workers’ Museum (Arbejdermuseet) in Copenhagen, November 26-29, 2020 – will continue the efforts from Reykjavík of expanding the field with new approaches to what can be interrogated as labour history: What counts as labour, where does labour take place and under what conditions, who constitute the working class and indeed ‘the worker’, what can be recognized as labour organizing and workers’ associations.
The next Nordic Labour History Conference is organized by:
- Arbejdermuseet [The Workers’ Museum], Copenhagen
- SFAH [Society for Labour History], Denmark
in collaboration with:
- Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek [Swedish Labour Movement’s Archives and Library], Stockholm
- Centrum för Arbetarhistoria [Center for Workers’ History], Lund
- Työväen Arkisto [Workers’ Archive], Helsinki
- Kansaan Arkisto [People’s Archive], Helsinki
- Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura [Finnish Society for Labour History]
- Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv og bibliotek [Labour Movement’s Archive and Library], Oslo
- Sagnfræðingafélag Íslands [The Icelandic Association of Historians], Reykjavik
You can get in contact with the organizing committee by sending us an email on: nlhc.cph@gmail.com
External links
[last updated 28 August 2019]