In February 2017, historians got together and founded the German Labour History Association. The initiators include colleagues from Bielefeld, Bochum, Augsburg, Hamburg, Bonn and Düsseldorf. Our goals are the exchange with colleagues interested in Labor History, whether in research, education or other domains, as well as international visibility. We want to connect the people involved in research projects and funding initiatives, and we see ourselves as part of a Europe-wide and globally growing network in Labour History, which is expressed in a variety of meetings and conferences and a growing number of networks.
Our association is aiming at all who are interested in Labour History, inside and outside universities, within and outside the history sciences, and especially invites students and young researchers to contribute their ideas
The purpose of the association is to promote research, presentation, documentation and educational work on the history of work and the labor movement as well as all social movements. The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular through the material and moral support of conferences, research projects, museum and archival projects as well as extracurricular, school and university education, the history of work, the working world, the labor movement and social movements. The association aims to promote international exchange in the field of Labour History through effective networking with other Labour History associations.
Our network wants to bundle the different initiatives that currently exist in German speaking countries. It will help to bring together the often isolated projects via workshops and conferences. The aim is to create a regular exchange that outlasts individual funding initiatives and connects the projects from the various global Labour History Networks with the German debates. This does not happen overnight and needs a long term perspective.
On June 4, 2018, the first Annual General Meeting of GLHA took place in the House of the History of the Ruhr Area in Bochum. Of the currently 81 members (including three institutions), 29 members were present. Following the discharge of the previous board, a total of eleven board members were elected.
The current president is Stefan Berger (Ruhr University Bochum).
External links
[last updated 30 June 2018]