SFAH, the Danish Society for Labour History, was formed in 1970 as a result of the recovery of the study of the history of the labor movement from the late 1960s. In the past, it was primarily the labor movement itself that had written its own history, but from the 1970s onwards it became more and more historians and other professionals who came to dominate the field.
SFAH is a society dedicated to constantly developing and discussing research in the history of the labor movement, and a wide range of related issues in politics and culture. We arrange discussion meetings and seminars on historical and current topics in our field. We publish books, and twice a year the journal Arbejderhistorie. In addition to our ongoing events and publishing activities, we annually award the Worker History Award to one or more younger historians.
SFAH is a member organization that is open to anyone interested in the history of the labor movement and the working class, in Denmark as well as internationally. We currently have almost 400 members nationwide. SFAH is politically and organizationally independent and is chaired by a member-elected board that organizes the annual general meeting. The journal Arbejderhistorie is edited by an independent editor.
External links
[last updated 8 July 2020]