Australian Trade Union Archives

New online resource

Last night at the University of Melbourne the Hon Justice Geoffrey M Giudice, President of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, launched a unique online resource to provide labour and trade union history scholars with a one-stop-shop to source material. Funding and in-kind support was provided by the ARC through a REIF Grant and partners to the project, The University of Melbourne Archives; Noel Butlin Archives Centre, ANU; University of Wollongong Archives; School of Information Management Systems, Monash University and the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, University of Melbourne.

The Australian Trade Union Archives (ATUA) is an online gateway that links historical detail, archival resources, published material and current information about Australian industrial organisations, including trade unions, employer associations and their respective peak bodies. ATUA also includes selected events in the history of the Australian labour movement such as major strikes, lockouts and interstate congresses.

ATUA uses OHRM and WARP software developed by the Australian Science and Technology Centre, University of Melbourne. These packages are derived from the ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) Standards of the International Council on Archives (ICA).

This resource can be located at

A Media Release can be obtained at

Bruce Smith
for the ATUA Project Team

Tim Lovell-Smith
Manuscripts and Archives Section
Alexander Turnbull Library