2002 - 169 (March)

Articles in this issue

China and Europe since 1978: An Introduction

Pages: 1 - 9

Diplomatic Relations and Mutual Strategic Perceptions: China and the European Union

Pages: 10 - 32

China's Diplomatic Relations with the States of Europe

Pages: 33 - 44

Human Rights, Europe and the People's Republic of China

Pages: 45 - 63

EU Economic Relations with China: An Institutionalist Perspective

Pages: 64 - 77

Economic Relations between the PRC and the States of Europe

Pages: 78 - 107

The role of Hong Kong and Macau in China's Relations with Europe

Pages: 108 - 135

A Functional Relationship: Political Extensions to Europe-Taiwan Economic Ties

Pages: 136 - 153

Economic Relations between Taiwan and Europe

Pages: 154 - 180

Economic Relations between Taiwan and Europe

Pages: 154 - 180

Book review, by Harry Harding

Same Bed, Different Dreams: Managing U.S.-China Relations, 1989-2000

Pages: 204 - 206

Book review, by Neil J. Diamant

Mao's Crusade: Politics and Policy Implementation in China's Great Leap Forward

Pages: 206 - 208

Book review, by Richard P. Suttmeier

Mao's War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China

Pages: 208 - 210

Book review, by Arif Dirlik

Social Engineering and the Social Sciences in China, 1919-1949

Pages: 210 - 212

Book review, by Xiaolin Pei

Inequality and Poverty in China in the Age of Globalization

Pages: 212 - 214

Book review, by Kenneth W. Allen

Soldiers of Fortune: The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Military

Pages: 214 - 216

Book review, by Kenneth J. DeWoskin

China's Service Sector: A New Battlefield for International Corporation

Pages: 216 - 218

Book review, by Lester Ross

Securities Regulation in China

Pages: 218 - 219

Book review, by William A. Callahan

Unstructuring Chinese Society: The Fictions of Colonial Practice and the Changing Realties of 'Land' in the New Territories of Hong Kong

Pages: 220 - 221

Book review, by Hugh D.R. Baker

Cantonese Society in a Time of Change

Pages: 221 - 223

Book review, by Rana Mitter

Eyewitnesses to Massacre: American Missionaries Bear Witness to Atrocities in Nanjing

Pages: 223 - 227

Book review, by Rana Mitter

China's Trial By Fire: The Shanghai War of 1932

Pages: 223 - 227

Book review, by Chang-tai Hung

Things That Must Not Be Forgotten: A Childhood in Wartime China.

Pages: 227 - 228

Book review, by Ralph W. Huenemann

Wings for an Embattles China

Page: 228

Book review, by Richard Louis Edmonds

Charles R. Boxer: An Uncommon Life

Pages: 229 - 230

Book review, by Beatrice Leung

The Spirit and the Flesh in Shandong, 1650-1785

Pages: 230 - 231

Book review, byDaniel L. Overmyer

Fuzhou Protestants and the Making of Modern China, 1857-1927

Pages: 231 - 233

Book review, by Roman Malek

Authentic Chinese Christianity: Preludes to its Development (Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Pages: 233 - 234

Book review, by Lars Laaman

Handbook of Christianity in CHina, Volume One: 635-1800

Pages: 234 - 236

Book review, by Michael Schoenhals

New Sources and Opportunities for Research Into the History of Contemporary China, the International Communist Movement and the Cold War

Pages: 236 - 237

Book review, by Michael Schoenhals

Dictionary of the Political Thought of the People's Republic of China

Pages: 237 - 238