1998 - 75 (November)

Articles in this issue

Essays on 1798 and Australian Labour History

An 'Indelible Hibernian Mark'? Irish Rebels ans Australian Labour Radicalism: an Historiographical Overview

Pages: 1 - 8

From Swords to Ploughshares? The 1798 Irish Rebels in New South Wales

Pages: 9 - 21

Introduction to The Poor Man's Catechism (1798)Document: The Union Doctrine, or Poor Man's Catechism

Pages: 22 - 37

Labour History in Asia

Labour History in Asia: Introduction

Pages: 38 - 39

Trade Union Growth Waves in Hong Kong

Pages: 40 - 56

The Labour Movement of Vietnam

Pages: 57 - 80


From 'Moral Economy' to 'Political Economy' in New South Wales, 1870-1900

Pages: 81 - 107

Images of Class in the Poetry and Prose of Hugh McCrae

Pages: 108 - 124

Medical Experts and Occupational Illness: Weil's Disease in North Queensland, 1933-36

Pages: 125 - 143

The Union of Australian Women: The Childcare Issue

Pages: 144 - 154

The Commonwealth Investigation Branch and the Political Contruction of the Australian Citizenry, 1920-40

Pages: 155 - 174

Creating an Orderly Society: The Hobart Municipal Police 1880-1898

Pages: 175 - 194

'The Greatest Curse... Was Unrestained Competition': Regulating Competition in the Queensland Coal Industry, 1900 to the 1930s

Pages: 195 - 216

Book Review, by Bil Bunbury

The Australian Republic

Pages: 217 - 220

Book Review, by Bil Bunbury

Crown or Country: The Traditions of Australian Republicanism

Pages: 217 - 220

Book Review, by Bil Bunbury

The Captive Republic: A History of Republicanism in Australia, 1788-1995

Pages: 217 - 220

Book Review, by Bil Bunbury

Australia: Republic or Monarchy?

Pages: 217 - 220

Book Review, by Kay Daniels

Representing Convicts. New Perpectives on Convict Forced Labour Migration

Pages: 220 - 222

Book Review, by Anne Atkinson

Red Tape, Gold Scissors: the Story of Sydney's Chinese

Pages: 222 - 223

Book Review, by Wendy Lowenstein

Wharfies: A History of the Waterside Workers Federation of Australia

Pages: 224 - 225

Book Review, by Terry Irving

A Veritable Dynamo: Lloyd Ross and Australian Labour, 1901-1987

Pages: 225 - 227

Book Review, by Linda Kealey

Living Feminism: The Impact of the Women's Movement on Tree Generations of Australian Women

Pages: 227 - 229

Book Review, by Mandy Leveratt

Opening the Books: Essays on the Social and Cultural History of the British Communist Party

Pages: 231 - 234

Book Review, by Mandy Leveratt

Harry Pollitt

Pages: 231 - 234

Book Review, by Mandy Leveratt

The Good Old Cause: British Communism 1920-1991

Pages: 231 - 234

Book Review, by Simon Adams

Red Hot: The Life and Times of Nick Origlass

Pages: 234 - 235

Book Note, by Peter Beilharz

The Victorian Working Man, 1855-1955, manuscript deposited at the Melbourne University Archives

Page: 236


Penrhyn Road Picket

Page: 237