2003 - 4 (October-December)

Articles in this issue

The rhetorical strategy of an autobiography: Reading Satyavati's Atmacaritamu

Pages: 377 - 402

Colonial commercial forest policy and tribal private forests in Madras Presidency: 1792-1881

Pages: 403 - 423

Crisis, charisma and triage: Extirpating the pox

Pages: 425 - 457

Book Review by Sumit Guha

Castes of Mind: Colonialism and the Making of Modern India

Pages: 459 - 461

Book Review by Satadru Sen

Malarial Fever in Colonial Bengal, 1820-1939

Pages: 461 - 464

Book Review by Satadru Sen

Health, Medicine and Empire: Perspectives on Colonial India

Pages: 461 - 464

Book Review by Douglas M. Peers

The British Raj and its Indian Armed Forces, 1857-1939

Pages: 464 - 467

Book Review by Michael H. Fisher

'Best Black Troops in the World': British Perceptions and the Making of the Sepoy, 1746-1805

Pages: 467 - 469

Book Review by Saheej Hegde

History and the Present

Pages: 469 - 471

Book Review by Anindita Mukhopadhyay

Exploring Emotional History: Gender, Mentality and Literature in the Indian Awakening

Pages: 472 - 474

Book Review by K.M. Shrimali

The Problem of Identity: Women in Early Indian Inscriptions

Pages: 474 - 476

Book Review by V. Geetha

Prejudice and Pride: School Histories of the Freedom Struggle in India and Pakistan

Pages: 477 - 481

Book Review by Banu Subramaniam

Another Reason: Science and the Imagination of Modern India

Pages: 481 - 483