2004 - 3 (July-September)

Articles in this issue

Urban geography and land measurement in the twelfth century: The case of Kanchipuram

Pages: 237 - 269

A trial in transition: Courts, merchants and identities in western India, circa 1800

Pages: 269 - 293

'Regularly brought up medical men': Nineteenth-century Grant Medical College graduates, medical rationalism and leprosy

Pages: 293 - 315

Colonial contructions of 'agrarian fields' and 'forests' in the Kolli Hills

Pages: 315 - 337

Book Review by Gyan Prakash

Beyond Nationalist Frames

Pages: 339 - 341

Book Review by Rohan D'Souza

Imperialism, Nationalism and the Making of the Indian Capitalist Class

Pages: 341 - 342

Book Review by Denys P. Leighton

Women and Empire, Representations in the Writings of British India (1858-1900)

Pages: 343 - 346

Book Review by K.M. Shrimali

State and Society in Pre-modern South India

Pages: 346 - 348

Book Review by Satadru Sen

Leprosy in Colonial South India: Medicine and Confinement

Pages: 348 - 350

Book Review by Sasheej Hegde

Selected Writings of Jotirao Phule

Pages: 350 - 352

Book Review by Kamala Visweswaran

Early Feminists of Colonial India: Sarala Devi Chaudhurani and Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain

Pages: 352 - 355

Book Review by Nonica Datta

Embattled Identities: Rajput Lineages and the Colonial State in Nineteenth-century North India

Pages: 355 - 358

Book Review by Ashwini Deshpande

Caste and Democratic Politics in India

Pages: 358 - 360

Book Review by Ashwini Deshpande

Gender and Caste

Pages: 358 - 360

Book Review by Bernard D'Mello

Industrialisation and Innovation: The Indian Experience

Pages: 360 - 362

Book Review by Majid H. Siddiqi

Champaran and Gandhi: Planters, Peasants and Gandhian Politics

Pages: 363 - 364