2006 - 3 (July)

Articles in this issue

Contributors to This Issue

Page: ii

Napoleon Bonaparte and Apocalyptic Discourse in Early Nineteenth-Century Russia

Pages: 373 - 392

Of Dandies, Flirts, and Cockatoos: Shakhovskoi's Antitheatrical Lesson to Coquettes

Pages: 393 - 416

On 'Sticking to the Fact' and 'Understanding Nothing': Dostoevsky and the Scientific Method

Pages: 417 - 438

To Pushkin, Freedom, and Revolution in Asia: Velimir Klhebnikov in Baku

Pages: 439 - 469

Theatrical Motifs and the Drama of Everyday Life in the 1920s Stories of Mikhail Zoshchenko

Pages: 470 - 490

"The Building to be built": Gogol, Belyi, Eisenstein, and the Architecture of the Future

Pages: 491 - 511

Breakers on the Stalin Wave

Pages: 512 - 515

Book Review by Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter

Serfdom, Society, and the Arts in Imperial Russia: The Pleasure and the Power

Page: 516

Book Review by Robin Feuer Miller

Western Law, Russian Justice: Dostoevsky, the Jury Trial, and the Law

Page: 517

Book Review by Linda Ivanits

Dostoevsky's Religion

Pages: 518 - 519

Book Review by Linda Ivanits

A Devil's Vaudeville: The Demonic in Dostoevsky's Major Fiction

Page: 519

Book Review by Angela Brintlinger

Diary, 1901-69

Page: 520

Book Review by Adrian Wanner

Staat und Revolution im russischen Roman des 20.Jahrhunderts 1900-1925: Eine historische und poetologische Studie

Pages: 520 - 521

Book Review by Halina Stephan

Aesthetics of Alienation: Reassessment of Early Soviet Cultural Theories

Pages: 521 - 522

Book Review by Eric Naiman

Nabokov's World. Vol.1: The Shape of Nabokov's World

Pages: 523 - 525

Book Review by Eric Naiman

Nabokov's World. Vol.2: Reading Nabakov

Pages: 523 - 525

Book Review by Eric Naiman

Nabokovskii sbornik: Iskusstvo kak priem

Pages: 523 - 525

Book Review by Eric Naiman

Nabokovskii sbornik: Masterstvo pisatelia

Pages: 523 - 525

Book Review by Katya Hokanson

Alien Visions: The Chechens and the Navajos in Russian and American Literature

Pages: 525 - 526

Book Review by Harley Balzer

Reflective Laughter: Aspects of Humour in Russian Culture

Pages: 526 - 527

Book Review by Greta N. Slobin

Pop Culture Russia! Media, Arts, and Lifestyle

Pages: 527 - 528

Book Review by Alexander Prokhorov

Yellow Crocodiles and Blue Oranges: Russian Animated Film since World War II

Pages: 528 - 529

Book Review by Seth Graham

Imaging Russia 2000: Film and Facts

Pages: 529 - 530

Book Review by Alexander M. Martin

Mythe aryen et rêve impérial dans la Russie du XIXe siècle

Pages: 530 - 531

Book Review by Nikolaos Chrissidis

The Greeks of Odessa: Diaspora Leadership in Late Imperial Russia

Pages: 531 - 532

Book Review by Jonathan Grant

A History of Russian Economic Thought

Pages: 532 - 533

Book Review by Helen S. Hundley

Letters from the Governors's Wife: A View of Russian Alaska 1859-1862

Page: 533

Book Review by Mihkail A. Alexseev

Socialism in Georgian Colors: The European Road to Social Democracy, 1883-1917

Page: 534

Book Review by Jane Costlow

Forests, Peasants, and Revolutionaries: Forest Conservation and Organization in Soviet Russia, 1917-1929

Page: 535

Book Review by David Shneer

Rossiiskie evrei mezhdu krasnymi i belymi (1917-1920)

Pages: 536 - 537

Book Review by Jan Plamper

Gezähmte Helden: Die Formierung der Sowjetjugend 1917-1932

Pages: 537 - 538

Book Review by Gábor T. Rittersporn

5% de vérité: La dénonciation dans l'URSS de Staline

Pages: 538 - 539

Book Review by S.A. SMith

Worker Resistance under Stalin: Class and Revolution on the Shop Floor

Pages: 539 - 540

Book Review by Glennys Young

Comrade Pavlik: The Rise and Fall of a Soviet Boy Hero

Pages: 540 - 541

Book Review by Gerald M. Easter

Stalinism: Russian and Western Vieuws at the Turn of the Millennium

Pages: 541 - 542

Book Review by Catherine Merridale

Katyn and the Soviet Massacre of 1940: Truth, Justice, and Memory

Page: 543

Book Review by Michael Share

Nazi Empire-Building and the Holocaust in Ukraine

Pages: 544 - 545

Book Review by Jeffrey Brooks

Governing Soviet Journalism: The Press and the SOcialist Person after Stalin

Pages: 545 - 546

Book Review by Gábor T. Rittersporn

Le Métro de Moscou: La contruction d'un mythe soviétique

Pages: 546 - 547

Book Review by Chris J. Chulos

Moving in the USSR: Western Anomalies and Northern Wilderness

Pages: 547 - 548

Book Review by Peter Juliver

Defending Human Rights in Russia: Sergei Kovalyvov, Dissident and Human Rights Commissioner, 1969-2003

Pages: 548 - 549

Book Review by Paul D. Steeves

The Catholic Church and Russia: Popes, Patriarchs, Tsars and Commissars

Pages: 549 - 550

Book Review by R.R. Milner-Gulland

Russia in Search of Itself

Pages: 550 - 552

Book Review by R.R. Milner-Gulland

Russia in Search of Itself

Pages: 550 - 552

Book Review by Robert H. Donaldson

The Demise of Marxism-Leninism in Russia

Pages: 552 - 553

Book Review by Stephen Jones

Necroeconomics: The Political Economy of Post-Communist Capitalism: Lessons from Georgia

Pages: 553 - 554

Book Review by Susan J. Linz

Economic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Planting the Seeds

Page: 553

Book Review by Sally N. Cummings

Thinking Strategically: The Major Powers, Kazakhstan, and the Central Asian Nexus

Page: 555

Book Review by Larisa Kosygina

Adapting to Russia's New Labour Market: Gender and Employment Behaviour

Page: 556

Book Review by Annette Robertson

Surviving Russian Prisons: Punishment, Economy and Politics in Transition

Pages: 556 - 557

Book Review by Stephen K. Wegren

Solovyovo: The Story of Memory in a Russian Village

Page: 558

Letter to the Editor

Pages: 559 - 561

Publications Received

Pages: 562 - 565