2008 - 2

Articles in this issue

Pages: 6 - 7
Pages: 8 - 9

Canada's Cold War in Fur

Pages: 10 - 36

Ethiopia stretches Forth Across the Atlantic: African American Anticolonialism during the Interwar Period

Pages: 37 - 63

"Hunkies", "Gasbags" & "Reds": The Construction and Deconstruction of Hegemonic Masculinity in Black Fury (1935) and Riff Raff

Pages: 64 - 93

The Epigone's Embrace, Part II: C. Wright Mills and the New Left

Pages: 94 - 127

McCarthyism on the Charles: The Life and Times of Labour Historian Ray Ginger before and After His Dismissal from Harvard University

Pages: 128 - 150

"A member of the prohibited class of persons...": Or, My Modest Contribution to the Queering of Canada

Pages: 151 - 161

Review essay by Adele Perry

Reading Haunted by Empire in Winnipeg: The Politics of Transnational Histories

Pages: 162 - 169

Book review by Jim Barrett

Guarding the Gates: The Canadian Labour Movement and Immigration, 1872-1934

Pages: 170 - 171

Book review by Jeremy Varon

Beyond Bullets: The suppression of Dissent in the United States

Pages: 171 - 174

Book review by Paul Buhle

The Sixties Unplugged: A Kaleidoscopic History of a Disorderly Decade

Pages: 174 - 177

Book review by Paul Alexrod

Education and the Cold War: The Battle for the American School

Pages: 177 - 180

Book review by Paul Alexrod

Higher Education for Women in Post-war America, 1945-1965

Pages: 177 - 180

Book review by Lisa A. Kirby

Labor's Canvas: American Working-Class History and the WPA Art of the 1930s

Pages: 180 - 181

Book review by Peter Conolly-Smith

Beer and Revolution: The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880-1914

Pages: 182 - 183

Book review by Susan Levine

From Marriage to the Market: The Transformation of Women's Lives and Work

Pages: 183 - 186

Book review by David Cline

Sexual Reckonings: Southern Girls in a Troubling Age

Pages: 186 - 187

Book review by Francis Shor

Wobblies on the Waterfront: Interracial Unionism in Progressive-Era Philadelphia

Pages: 187 - 189

Book review by Curtis Austin

What We Want, What We Believe: The Black Panther Library DI/D

Pages: 190 - 191

Book review by William A. Pelz

Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy

Pages: 192 - 193

Book review by John Donoghue

English Radicalism, 1550-1850

Pages: 193 - 195

Book review by Helen Jefferson Lenskyj

The Making of Our Bodies Ourselves: How Feminism Travels Across Borders

Pages: 195 - 197

Book review by Ben Dorfman

History and Cultural Theory

Pages: 197 - 199