III Jornadas Nacionales de la Red de Estudios sobre el Socialismo Argentino

III Jornadas Nacionales
Red de Estudios sobre el Socialismo argentino (RESA)
4 y 5 de marzo de 2021 - Modalidad virtual

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa,
Santa Rosa, La Pampa (Resoluciones N° 622/19 y 349/20 CD-FCH-UNLPam)

Comité organizador:
Dr. Carlos Miguel Herrera (RESA- CY Cergy Paris Université, Francia), Dr. Ricardo Martínez Mazzola (RESA-CONICET-UNSAM-UBA), Esp. Mirta Ester Zink (IESH-UNLPam) y Dr. Federico Carmelo Martocci (CONICET-IEHSOLP-IESH-UNLPam).

CfP: Datafication in the Historical Humanities: Reconsidering Traditional Understandings of Sources and Data

The Fifth Annual GHI Conference on Digital Humanities and Digital History will revolve around the concept of “datafication,” that is, the production of and the shift toward digital representations of historical sources as a prerequisite for storage, access, and analysis, not to mention their transmission and publication online.

CfP: War and nation-building in East-Central Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

In recent decades, studies have argued persuasively that armed conflict and nationalism are firmly linked and many scholars regarded war as one of the main drivers of nation-building. As historians have shown, armed conflict can be used to strengthen the kind of group cohesion on which the concept of the nation relies and also to accelerate the cultural and political processes through which ethnic boundaries (literal and figurative) are drawn.

The Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871: A European Turning-Point?

The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 is widely acknowledged to have been a cause of intense political, social and cultural conflict, a shaping element in modern French and German nationalism, and a significant factor in international tensions prior to 1914. The 150th anniversary in 2020-21 provides an opportunity to re-evaluate the impact of the Franco-Prussian War as a turning-point for Europe.

CfP: 100 Years of Anti-Fascism – Between Class Struggle and Social Movement

Call for Articles for a special issue of
Arbeit – Bewegung – Geschichte. Zeitschrift für historische Studien

Arbeit – Bewegung – Geschichte. Zeitschrift für historische Studien (Work – Movement – History. Journal for Historical Studies) is a German-language historical journal based in Berlin and is published three times a year. The main topics are the German and international labour movements, the history of the world of work, the history of the organisation and ideas of social movements, and culture and lifestyle in the working-class milieu.

CfP: Marx and Philosophy Society Annual Conference 2021: Marxism and Nationalism

Saturday, 5 June 2021 (online)
Keynote Speakers: Kevin Anderson, Erica Benner, Lea Ypi

Papers are invited from graduate and early career scholars for the graduate / early career panel. Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words to Jan Kandiyali at j.kandiyali@gmail.com by March 14th. Submissions can, but need not, address the conference theme.

CfP: Occupied Italy 1943-1946

Occupied Italy, 1943-1946 is an open-access digital journal dedicated to the study of the history of the Second World War in Italy and its immediate consequences, spanning between the Allied landing in July 1943 and the Italian referendum in June 1946.
The journal was founded in December 2020 with the aim of emphasizing the relevance of the Italian events in the context of the Second World War and the geopolitical consequences of the Allied landing for the entire Mediterranean area.