Clandestino a Parigi. Diario di un comunista italiano nella Francia in guerra (1940-1943)


28 gennaio 2021
ORE 17 - 19
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Presentazione del volume di Celeste Negarville a cura e con un’introduzione di Aldo Agosti (Donzelli Editore, Roma 2020) 


Union History newsletter from Sydney Trades Hall January 2021

Trades Hall Press

Union History newsletter from Sydney Trades Hall
January 2021


'Tis the holiday season and Trades Hall has been lucky enough to enjoy holidays. Some of it was spent at a former trade union holiday spot at Pittwater in Sydney northern beaches area Almost missed out because of the lockdown that happily ended not long before our break.

CfA: Two doctoral and two post-doctoral research positions. Workplace democracy: a European ideal? : discourses and practices about the democratization of work after 1945

Workplace democracy: a European ideal? : discourses and practices about the democratization of work after 1945.

EURO-DEM studies with the methods of conceptual and social history, and political theory, the circulation of the idea of workplace democracy among European trade-unions and the academia after 1945. In the 20th century industrial democracy has been a vibrant movement that encompassed a broad spectrum of meanings, from internal union democracy over collective bargaining to co-determination at shop-floor, enterprise, industry and national economic level.

III Concurso Literario de la Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero: “El trabajo en la historia”

La Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero, en colaboración con la Universidad de Alcalá y el Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares, convoca el III Certamen Literario Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero, que este año lleva el título de “El trabajo en la Historia”, con el objetivo de promocionar la lectura y la escritura literaria sobre la presencia de los trabajadores en la Historia.

Ver bases y condiciones en el PDF adjunto

CfP: Histories of Inequality

The UCL Americas Research Network is delighted to present its sixth annual conference: Histories of Inequality, to be held virtually on 1 June 2021.
Join an interdisciplinary group of scholars to debate and discuss the historical antecedents of our era’s entrenched injustices and inequities. We are also excited to announce that Professor Gareth Davies (UCL) will deliver a keynote lecture on the racial politics of US disaster relief.