CfA:The 2021 Jörg Huffschmid Award

In memory of the scholarly work and political engagement of the critical economist Jörg Huffschmid, we are issuing this call for submissions to the competitive award named after him, which seeks to recognize outstanding work in the field of Political Economy; the Jörg Huffschmid Award is currently in its sixth iteration. It aims to encourage young scholars, in particular, to continue the tradition of critical thought which Jörg represented so outstandingly.


CfP: Intercontinental Cross-Currents “Transatlantic Women at Work: Service in the Long Nineteenth Century”

The current dual crises of the global CV-19 pandemic and the (also global) renewed struggle for racial justice have turned our attention to women worldwide whose critically important service roles bring to mind and expand on their similar occupations in the long nineteenth century. Women comprise the majority of the workforce that has been deemed “essential” during the pandemic--from healthcare and social services to retail and other service sector jobs.

CfP: Nuevas miradas sobre migraciones en América Latina. Racismo, fronteras y violencias, políticas migratorias

El Instituto Francés de Chile, la Cátedra de Racismo y Migraciones Contemporáneas de la Universidad de Chile y el Polo Cono Sur del Institut des Amériques se asocian para organizar para el primer semestre 2021 un ciclo de seminarios doctorales cuya finalidad es la tercera edición de la Jornada Doctoral Franco-América Austral, que tendrá lugar en Temuco, Chile, el 22 de junio de 2021. Este año, la convocatoria se dirige a jóvenes investigadores de doctorado en todas las áreas disciplinarias quienes trabajan sobre el tema de las Migraciones contemporáneas en América Latina.

CfP: Labour Migration in the Cold War and beyond: New questions, methods and sources

Labour migration, whether short- or long-term, domestic or international, played an important part in transforming the world during the Cold War period. Yet how this migration affected Cold War dynamics, and was in turn shaped by them, has been under-researched. The study of experiences and perspectives on labour migration to the West in the post-1945 period has dominated empirical, theoretical and methodological studies on the history of international labour migration.