Rosalux History // Der Geschichtspodcast der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Im Podcast «Rosalux History» geht es darum, «Geschichte gegen den Strich zu bürsten» (Walter Benjamin). Denn wer will schon bloß nacherzählen, was uns die Hofschreiber vergangener Epochen überliefert haben? Wir wollen von einer anderen, einer Geschichte von unten berichten – und jenen mit Empathie begegnen, die heute, in der Gegenwart, von den Erben der herrschenden Klassen der Vergangenheit beherrscht werden.

CfP: New Edited Volume: Micro-Historical Perspectives on an Integrated History of the Holocaust

We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for an interdisciplinary edited volume on new approaches to an integrated history of the Holocaust. Our edited volume aims to approach to Holocaust history in a way that combines macro analysis with micro studies of individual actions and responses. We seek to combine these perspectives in order to uncover connections that might not be so easily seen with a more traditional, singular approach.

CfP: Figures and Perspectives on the Mass and the Individual in Capitalist Modernity (19th-21st century)

How is it possible to use the notion of mass without making it collapse into a complete condemnation of collective action or into an acritical celebration of the crowd? From there on, the relationship between mass and individual can be addressed in many fashions: Are there any specific ways for the mass to organize itself as a political subject? What are means whereby artworks represent and transform the linkage between  mass and individual? What are the mutations undergone by the mass qua object of the social sciences?