News from the American Labor Museum / Botto House National Landmark

Labor's Schoolhouse

The Botto House National Landmark is the headquarters of the American Labor Museum, which offers educational programs & more.  This 1908 home of immigrant silk mill workers was the meeting place for strikers calling for decent working conditions, an end to child labor, and an eight-hour day.  For further information visit:


Exhibition on black Chartist leader William Cuffay (1788-1870)

The Medway Archives Centre has put on-line a new exhibition about the life and activity of William Cuffay.

Cuffay was born in Gillingham and moved to London when he was 19. He was the leader of London Chartism in 1848. Arrested and sentenced to be transported to Tasmania for his political activity, he continued to work as a labour organiser there until his death in 1870, 150 years ago.

Échos du fascisme? - Passés Futurs - Revue - Numéro 7

En 2000, les partis d’extrême droite étaient cantonnés aux marges du paysage politique européen. En quelques  années, ils ont gagné du terrain dans la plupart des parlements nationaux. Leur avancée, parallèle aux victoires d'Erdoğan en Turquie, de Modi en Inde, de Duterte aux Philippines, de Trump aux États-Unis ou de Bolsonaro au Brésil, a provoqué une radicalisation identitaire d’une partie de la droite traditionnelle.

Paolo Finzi (1951-2020)

On July the 20th, 2020, Paolo Finzi, friend and comrade through many struggles, took his own life.

Born in Milan in 1951, since the mid-Seventies he has been responsible, together with his partner Aurora Failla, of monthly magazine «A rivista anarchica», which he contributed to found as well. He was also a founding member of Centro Studi Libertari / Archivio G. Pinelli.