Journée d’études : Le travail en Europe occidentale. Des années 1830 aux années 1930

L’APHG, l’AFHMT et la Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle ont le plaisir de vous inviter à une journée d’étude dans le cadre de la préparation de la question d’histoire contemporaine pour la session 2021 du Capes et de l’agrégation : « Le travail en Europe occidentale des années 1830 aux années 1930. Mains-d’oeuvre artisanales et industrielles, pratiques et questions sociales. » Sous couvert de modifications éventuelles dont nous vous ferons part, celle-ci devrait se dérouler à l’Université de Nanterre, le samedi 17 octobre 2020.

El Partido Socialista argentino, 1896-1912. Una historia social y política

El Partido Socialista argentino, 1896-1912. Una historia social y política

Lucas Poy

Santiago de Chile, Ariadna Ediciones, 2020, 288 páginas

ISBN: 978-956-8416-99-7

Santiago de Chile, junio 2020

Obra bajo Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercialSinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional.

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CfP: History from Scratch – Voices across the Planet

A special issue of Histories (ISSN 2409-9252).

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 November 2020.

We would like to invite you to contribute to the Special Issue “History from Scratch – Voices across the Planet“, published as one of the first issues of the newly launched open access journal Histories, published by MDPI ( 


CfP: Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) Conference 2021: Studies of Belonging

The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) welcomes proposals from scholars and cultural practitioners for the NIAS Conference from 9-11 June 2021
The overarching theme of this interdisciplinary 3-day conference is studies of belonging. The definition of ‘studies of belonging’ will deliberately remain open as this concept can apply to a vast range of social, historical, material, cultural, psychological, juridical, social geographical, and economic phenomena.

CfA: Post-Doc in research project "Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital 'Post-Truth' European Society"

In the project „Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital ‚Post-Truth‘ European Society“ (CHAPTER) (project leaders: Prof. Dr. Christoph Bareither and Prof. Dr. Sharon Macdonald, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation,, the position of an academic staff member (Post-Doc, 100% TVL E13, 48 months) is to be filled.

CfA: Research Fellowship / China und Europa: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w/d)

In einem Forschungsvorhaben zum gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt in China in aktiver Auseinandersetzung mit historischen Entwicklungen sowie theoretischen Ansätzen zu Populismus und Nationalismus sowie der Präsentation und Wahrnehmung Chinas in Deutschland und Europa unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Kaske ist ab dem 1. Januar 2021 eine Stellezu besetzen.

CfP: Sexual Morality and Communism from 1917 to 1940

The Cahiers d'Histoire. Revue d'Histoire Critique, is a generalist journal which aims, through a wide variety of themes, to develop a history polarized around the functioning of social dominations in all their political, economic and cultural dimensions. This approach is accompanied by a reflexive approach to the forms of production and uses of historical knowledge in these processes of domination.

CfP: Culture and Politics in Brazil: a decade under review (2011-2020)

Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies is pleased to announce this call for papers for a dossier to be published in August 2021 on the relationship between culture and politics in Brazil over the past decade (2011-2020). The period between 2011 and 2020 was marked by a number of milestone political events, such as Dilma Rousseff’s two-term administration – including the June 2013 protests and the 2016 presidential impeachment –, Michel Temer’s transitional administration, and the election of Jair Bolsonaro.

CfP: Journal gabonais d’histoire économique et sociale

La revue JGHES – Journal gabonais d’histoire économique et sociale – est une revue scientifique annuelle. Son objectif est de faire connaître des recherches universitaires sur l’histoire, avec une ouverture sur les sciences sociales, arts et lettres. Chacun de ses numéros présente un dossier sur les questions d’histoire, tout en ouvrant ses portes à des textes hors dossier, à travers la rubrique « varia ».