CfP: Edited volume: "Black migrations in Latin America. Paths on the Margins of History"

The History of Migrations in Latin America is often centered on the movement of European immigrant workers arriving from the late 19th and mid-20th centuries. However, the same period also marks an intense movement of Afro Latinos within the Americas. Called “The Great Migrations” in the United States of America, the theme is less explored in Spanish and Portuguese America, and the stories of Africans and their descendants moving around the continent, from one country to another or within the same country, are often excluded from narratives about immigrant communities.

CfP: Les sciences humaines et sociales en Amérique latine, 1950-2020

Dossier coordonné par Rafael Mandressi


L’histoire des sciences humaines et sociales en Amérique Latine a donné lieu, notamment à partir des années 1990, à une littérature relativement abondante, sans être massive, très majoritairement en langue espagnole. Cette historiographie, ses reliefs, ses accents, ses zones de densité – thématiques, méthodologiques –, constituent le contexte des acquis et des lacunes au regard duquel des questionnaires et des objets d’enquête peuvent être redéfinis, prolongés ou revisités.

"Global Labour History: Perspectives from East to West, from North to South", special issue Historein 19/1 (2020)

Dear colleagues, 

we are happy to announce the publication of the latest issue of Historein vol 19, no 1 (2020) with the special issue "Global Labour History: Perspectives from East to West, from North to South", edited by  Dimitra Lampropoulou, Leda Papastefanaki and Nikos Potamianos.

The review is in open access here .


CfP: III Jornadas Nacionales de la Red de estudios sobre el socialismo argentino - RESA – Cambio de fechas/nueva convocatoria

Las III Jornadas Nacionales de la Red de Estudios sobre el Socialismo Argentino – RESA han sido reprogramadas para los días 4 y 5 de marzo de 2021, siempre en la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, sede Santa Rosa.

En ese marco, hemos decidido reabrir la convocatoria a la presentación de resúmenes, hasta el 15 de septiembre próximo.