CfP: Rendez-vous d’histoire coloniale, 2nd edition: "(Anti)colonialism and (inter)nationalism"

20-22 of June 2024 - Diplomatic Archives - Nantes.

Theme 1 – Rethinking the Empire of Knowledge through the prism of internationalism(s)

Theme 2 – Anti-imperialism et internationalism

Theme 3 – War and peace: international institutions and colonialism

Theme 4 – Nationalisation of societies and the colonial situation

Scientific and organising committee:

CfP: International friendship within and beyond the Iron Curtain

Ljubljana, 18-19 April 2024

This workshop aims to explore relations among countries both within and beyond the Iron Curtain through the lens of international friendship. Scholars are invited to explore how intersecting collective identities, trust, and emotions interact with strategic and material interests in interstate and transnational relations; and how these factors influence behavior and decision-making across various political and social levels.

International friendship within and beyond the Iron Curtain

CfP: Le patrimoine colonial urbain, une histoire mémorielle (1945-2024). Dossier thématique no 9 de la "Revue d’histoire culturelle" (French)

Au terme d’un long processus, la notion de patrimoine a pu être définie, au sein du monde occidental, comme un héritage commun reposant sur la réalité physique de ses objets et donnant lieu à expertise. À ce titre, il bénéficie d’une reconnaissance juridique légitimant sa sauvegarde, de la mise en œuvre d’actions publiques pour l’étudier, le conserver, le transmettre de générations en générations.

5th European Labour History Network Conference - Labour in Mining Working Group

Labour in Mining Working Group
Sessions and Panels Proposal

Coordinators: Dr Francesca Sanna (University of Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, FRAMESPA,; Dr José Joaquín García Gómez (University of Almeria,; Dr Gabriele Marcon (Durham University,



CfP: Rethinking the History of Global Capitalism



Rio de Janeiro, March 12-14, 2024

Organizers: Tamis Parron and Sven Beckert



Capitalism pervades every aspect of our lives, from the ways we produce to the structures of our families, from state power to our most mundane daily routines. Its expansion in space and in society has been of such impact that some scholars now speak of the current geological era as the “capitolocene.” It is impossible to understand the world we inhabit without also understanding capitalism.