CfP: Standard employment enclaves, precarity and informality: Explaining employment configurations in the Global South

Although we recognise the many insights achieved by the rich discourse on labour market segmentation, we see shortcomings as the debate has been almost entirely dedicated to developments in the Global North. On the other hand, the discourse on the Global South often focused on the dualization of formal and informal work only or highlighted single forms of employment such as contract work. So far, the full spectrum of different employment forms and labour market sections and the transitions between them have hardly been explored.

CfA: Lessons of the Cold War? - Visegrad Scholarship at the Blinken OSA Archivum

In the context of the current invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing tragic war, many analysts have claimed that we face the real end of (or the confirmation) of the Cold War and its dichotomies. What we witness would be the outright confrontation between civic liberalism and autocracy, or the “West” and the “East”.

CfP: Gendering the law of digital platforms. An interdisciplinary and comparative study of platform work and its law through gender

COST P-WILL Conference and a Special Issue on “Gendering the law of digital platforms. An interdisciplinary and comparative study of platform work and its law through gender.”

Call for papers. COST P-WILL Conference and Special Issue (Journal: Labour & Law Issues).

Deadline (extended abstract). November 10, 2023

Conference. Paris (in person and online), April 2024

Publication. December 2024

CfP: Children, Dependency, and Emotions in the Early Modern World, 1500-1800: Archival and Visual Narratives



12th-14th September 2024, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies.

Call for Papers                                                                         

CfP: Afro-Américas: raça, trabalho e direitos

Além de artigos (em português, espanhol ou inglês) em fluxo contínuo, resenhas e entrevistas, Mundos do Trabalho está com chamada aberta de artigos para o dossiê temático indicado abaixo.

Título do dossiê: Afro-Américas: raça, trabalho e direitos.

Organização: Iacy Maia Mata (UFBA), Ynaê Lopes dos Santos (UFF) e Waldomiro Lourenço da Silva Júnior (UFSC).

Submissões inéditas em português, inglês ou espanhol até o dia 1 de agosto de 2024.
