CfP: Ireland, the Revolution and the First World War Continuities, ruptures and legacies (1913-1919)

Paris, 27-28 June 2019


We are pleased to host, at the Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris, an international conference on Ireland and the First World War as part of the national commemorations for the Centenary of the First World War. The conference received the Centenary Certification from the Mission du Centenaire (project 07 CONF 0118) and is part of the French national official program for commemorations of the Centenary of the Great War. It is supported by the Embassy of Ireland to France.

„‚Deutsche Arbeit‘ – Kritische Perspektiven auf ein ideologisches Selbstbild“

Liebe KollegInnen,


wir freuen uns, Sie am Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2019, um 18 Uhr zur Präsentation und Diskussion des Buches „‚Deutsche Arbeit‘ – Kritische Perspektiven auf ein ideologisches Selbstbild“ in der AK-Bibliothek für Sozialwissenschaften, Prinz-Eugen-Straße 20-22, 1040 Wien, einzuladen.




Fascismo, antifascismo e colonialismo

Università per Stranieri di Perugia
Fascismo, antifascismo e colonialismo

“Sala Goldoni”
14 maggio ore 11.00 – 19.00

Comitato scientifico e organizzatore:
Maurizio Degl’Innocenti
Salvatore Cingari
Federica Guazzini
Gianni Silei
Renato Tomei
Anna Rita Gabellone

h. 11.00 - Saluti Istituzionali

Giuliana GREGO BOLLI - Rettore - Università per Stranieri di Perugia

h. 11.15 - I Sessione - modera - Salvatore Cingari

CfP: Mobilities and Settler Colonialism

We seek original, unpublished papers for a special journal issue on the theme of movement and mobility in relationship to settler colonialism. The special issue will be pitched to Mobilities, a leading international journal in mobility studies, in early summer 2019. At this point, we seek initial expressions of interest through the submission of abstracts; full papers will be invited upon the journal’s acceptance of the special issue.