Journal de la BDIC

(p. 1)

Le mot des lecteurs «Un projet audiovisuel franco-allemand sur la Première Guerre mondiale
(p. 2)

(p. 2)

Hommage à Rita Thalmann
(p. 3) 

Dossier 1914-18 :
- Le cartable virtuel de la BDIC : une porte d’entrée pour les élèves et les enseignants vers les collections numérisées de la Grande Guerre
- Commémoration du Centenaire
- Les collections de la Grande Guerre de la BDIC et leurs catalogues
(p. 3-6)

Dons Hubert et Ulmann
(p. 7)

Returned from Russia: Nazi Archival Plunder in Western Europe and Recent Restitution Issues

Presentation of the book: Returned from Russia: Nazi Archival Plunder in Western Europe and Recent Restitution Issues with 2013 Afterword, edited by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, F.J. Hoogewoud and Eric Ketelaar.
The presentation is on Thursday 24 October 2013, 15.00 h. at the IISH (see address).

More information on the book is available on the site of the Institute of Art and Law.


Newsletter Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Martedì 8 ottobre
ore 18:30 - 20:30
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
Via Romagnosi, 3 - Milano

La Forza della memoria, serata dedicata ai testimoni della storia del Golpe di stato in Cile, dei 17 anni della dittatura e della sua caduta. La serata, condotta da Paolo Hutter, vede le testimonianze di Marianela Vega, Patricia Mayorga, Fiorano Rancatti, Lucy Rojas.


Roma, mercoledì 9 ottobre 2013, ore 18.00

Biblioteca del Senato "Giovanni Spadolini"
Sala degli Atti parlamentari, Piazza della Minerva, 38

Labour Studies and Labour History in South Africa

Lecture 'Labour Studies and Labour History in South Africa'
Date: 22 October 2013
Location: IISH, Amsterdam
Lunchseminar: lecture by Prof. Bill Freund.
"Labour Studies and Labour History in South Africa: Perspectives from the Apartheid Era and After"
Time: 12.15 p.m. - 14.00 p.m.
Place: Annie van Scheltema Room at the IISH.

'You were not expected to do this'. On the Dynamics of Production

CFP: 'You were not expected to do this'. On the Dynamics of Production - Düsseldorf 04/14

Dr. Elisabeth Ruchaud; Dr. Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Graduiertenkolleg Materialität und Produktion, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf 02.04.2014-04.04.2014, Düsseldorf, Haus der Universität, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Deadline: 31.10.2013

"You were not expected to do this" On the Dynamics of Production (Distraction/Interference - Resistance/Accident)

David Montgomery Award -- correction

Dear Everyone,

There was an error on the OAH website regarding the deadline for submissions for the inaugural David Montgomery Award. It has now been corrected, but to avoid any possible confusion we would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is still time to ask your publisher to submit books. We want to be sure everyone knows about this. The deadline is November 1. The full notice is below.

