Workers of the World, special issue on "New Perspectives on Global Labour History"

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached here the call for articles for a special issue on "New Perspectives on Global labour history" of the peer-reviewed international journal Workers of the World (

The call for articles is open to PhD-, young- and senior researchers from all over the world.

The deadline for submission of the articles is 10th December 2012; articles will be published on line on 15th May 2013.

Actor-Networks between 'Global Markets' and the 'Nation', 1650-1950

CFP: Actor-Networks between 'Global Markets' and the 'Nation', 1650-1950 - Berlin 08/13

Dr. Heather Ellis, Centre for British Studies, Dept. of History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Dr. des Simone Müller-Pohl, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Dept. of History, Freie Universität Berlin 01.08.2013-02.08.2013, Berlin, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
Deadline: 31.10.2012

Macht in de marge?

Debat "Macht in de marge?"

Op maandag 10 september organiseert Amsab-ISG in het Vlaams Parlement het debat Macht in de marge? Gemeentepolitiek in Vlaanderen, over het functioneren van de democratie op lokaal vlak. Dat naar aanleiding van de inventarisatie van het omvangrijke archief van Norbert De Batselier.

On the ground 1989-94

videos, photos from Rodolf Hervé's works

is the title of the upcoming exhibition of Galeria Centralis.

The exhibition is a compilation of Rodolf Hervé’s work on the underground culture and the ongoing social transformation in Budapest, including video recordings and photos created between 1990 and 1994. In 1989 Hervé moved from Paris to Budapest and became an iconic figure in the Budapest art world both as a participant and as a spectator documenting events.

Bread and Roses Heritage Festival, Lawrence MA (USA)

The Bread and Roses Heritage Festival is a celebration of the ethnic diversity and labor history of Lawrence, Ma. This annual festival is celebrated on Labor Day in order to honor the most significant event in Lawrence history: the 1912 Bread and Roses Strike.

We memorialize the event with a variety of music and dance, poetry and drama, ethnic food, historical demonstrations, and walking and trolley tours, all on or starting from Lawrence's Common. We also host organizations continuing the struggle for social justice today.