Opportunity for PhD funding in anarchist history, politics or theory

Loughborough University's Department of Politics, History and International Relations (UK) is inviting applications for fully-funded PhD studentships for 3 years (UK or EU fee status). Each studentship is valued at £13,590 plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate, and is available for PhDs commencing in Autumn 2012. The deadline for receipt of full application is Wednesday, 30 March 2012. Details are at http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/graduateschool/funding/GraduateSchooolStudentships.htm

Work - Employment - Vocation. The Production of Differences and Hierarchies of Livelihood in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Conf. Ann: Work - Employment - Vocation. The Production of Differences and Hierarchies of Livelihood in the 19th and 20th Centuries - Wien 02/12


The Production of Work: Sigrid Wadauer; Peter Angerer; Thomas Buchner; Sonja Hinsch; Alexander Mejstrik; Jessica Richter; Georg Schinko; Irina Vana 10.02.2012-11.02.2012, Wien, Campus der Universität Wien, Seminarraum des Instituts für Ethik und Recht in der Medizin (=Alte Kapelle), Spitalgasse 2-4, A-1090 Wien, Austria
Deadline: 03.02.2012

Histories of Capitalism / Women, Gender and Sexuality. Social Science History Association Conference 2012 - Vancouver, CA

Women, Gender & Sexuality Network,
Social Science History Association
01.11.2012-04.11.2012, Vancouver, CA
Deadline: 01.03.2012

The Women, Gender and Sexuality Network of the Social Science History Association calls for papers for the 2012 SSHA conference.

Webpage Sanhisoc Research Group (Health, History Society)

Dear colleagues,

as a starting point of a new research project on "International Health and the transfer of scientific knowledge in Europe, 1900-1975", our SANHISOC Research Group (Health, History Society), shaped by researchers from the universities of Valencia and Alicante, has created the webpage:


It contains information about the research lines developed by the group, details of the project and of our activities. We kindly invite you to visit us.

Kind regards

J.L. Barona

For the global emancipation of labour: new movements and struggles around work, workers and precarity

CFP: For the global emancipation of labour: new movements and struggles around work, workers and precarity
Interface: a journal for and about social movements.
Volume 4 issue 2 (November 2012)

Call for Papers (deadline May Day - 1 May - 2012)

Special issue editors:
Elizabeth Humphrys, Peter Waterman, Alice Mattoni, Ana Margarida Esteves

Women on the labour market 1600-1900

Presentation on Women on the labour market 1600-1900 on the 24th meeting of the Friends of the IISH on 26 January 2012, at the IISH

More information in Dutch:
Plaats: IISG
Datum: donderdag 26 januari 2012
Tijd: 15.15 - 19.15 uur

Bijzonder onderwerp van deze middag:
Het ontstaan van het burgerlijk kostwinnersideaal herzien: de deelname van vrouwen aan de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt, 1600-1900.
Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk en Ariadne Schmidt

JULIO DE 1936. Conspiración y alzamiento contra la Segunda República de Francisco Alía Miranda

El GRUPO de ESTUDIOS sobre la HISTORIA CONTEMPORÁNEA de EXTREMADURA (GEHCEx) ha organizado la presentación del libro: JULIO DE 1936. Conspiración y alzamiento contra la Segunda República de Francisco Alía Miranda. Intervendrá Francisco ALÍA MIRANDA, Profesor Titular de Historia Contemporánea de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y moderará José HINOJOSA DURÁN, Historiador y miembro de la Junta Directiva del GEHCEx.