Labor in the Information Age

ToC: "Labor in the Information Age," a special issue of Labor History
Labor History, volume 51, issue 1, February 2010

Guest editors: John Hogan, Peter Nolan, and John Trumpbour

Table of Contents
John Trumpbour, "Labor in the Information Age: An Introduction"

Peter Nolan and Gary Slater, "Visions of the Future, the Legacy of the Past:Demystifying the Weightless Economy"

John Hogan, Peter Nolan, and Margaret Grieco, "Unions, technologies of coordination, and the changing contours of globally distributed power"

Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch (2009)

Neben Aufsätzen, Rezensionen und Berichten dokumentiert der aktuelle Band des Marx-Engels-Jahrbuches schwerpunktmäßig Beiträge der Konferenz "Marxens Konzeptualisierungen und Beschreibungen von Akteuren", die im September 2009 an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg stattgefunden hat.


David Leopold
'All Tell the Same Tale': The Young Engels and Communal Settlements in America and England

Klaus Müller
Tendenzieller Fall oder Anstieg? Zur Komplexität ökonomischer Erscheinungen am Beispiel der allgemeinen Durchschnittsprofitrate

1960 I ribelli

Martedì 6 luglio - ore 21 - Sala Zavattini
Fondazione Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico presenta
1960 I Ribelli

di Mimmo Calopresti
una produzione Unitelefilm
in collaborazione con
Fondazione di Vittorio
Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico
Istituto Luce

Interverranno:Mimmo Calopresti (regista del film e Presidente Fondazione AAMOD)Susanna Camusso (Vicesegretaria generale CGIL)Carlo Ghezzi (Presidente Fondazione di Vittorio)

Amsab Newsletter

Ann: Amsab Nieuwsbrief, 5e jaargang, nr. 7, juli 2010

Ben jij vroeger ook naar een vakantiekolonie gegaan? Dan herinner je je nog wel de rumoerige eetzalen, de heimwee bij het slapengaan, het zand in de boterhammen, de gemeenschappelijke douches, de kaartjes naar huis met daarop 'We zijn goed aangekomen'.

Mutiny and Maritime Radicalism

Call for Papers: "Mutiny and Maritime Radicalism in the Age of Revolution: A Global Survey"

We announce a conference to be held June 17-18, 2011 at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam (NL). The conference will explore the transnational dimensions of mutiny and maritime radicalism during the great cycle of war and revolution beginning in the mid-1750s, progressing through the eras of the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions, into the period of the South American Wars for Liberation, and concluding with the revolutionary movements of the 1830s-40s.

Noel Butlin Archives

Friends Newsletter No. 26, June 2010

Welcome to the mid year edition of the Friends of the Noel Butlin Archives Newsletter. Included is the University Archivist, Maggie Shapley’s annual report and an article by Mick Fogarty on the Wave Hill Station Improvements Book, the next record to be restored using money raised under the Friends’ Conservation Fund.

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