ILO Histories. Essays on the International Labour Organization and Its Impact on the World During the Twentieth Century

Van Daele, Jasmien / Rodríguez García, Magaly / Van Goethem, Geert / Linden, Marcel van der (eds)
ILO Histories
Essays on the International Labour Organization and Its Impact on the World During the Twentieth Century
Series: International and Comparative Social History - Volume 12
(Bern, etc.: Peter Lang, 2010)
539 pp., 1 graph
ISBN 978-3-0343-0516-7 hb.

Book synopsis

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Giovedì 16 dicembre 2010, ore 17.15
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
Via Romagnosi, 3 – Milano

Lectio magistralis
Franco Della Peruta, L’Italia reale del Risorgimento
Le campagne e le città; le condizioni dei contadini e lo sviluppo industriale; la miseria e l’alimentazione; le malattie e il lusso. In una parola l’Italia reale, senza miti.

Hjalmar Branting's May Day Speeches 1890-1924

Hjalmar Brantings majtal 1890-1924

Hjalmar Branting höll totalt 37 majtal åren 1890-1924 (dock ej 1919 eller 1922). Här publiceras talen, avskrivna, som pdf-filer.

Denna publicering sker på dagen 150 år efter Hjalmar Brantings (1860-1925) födelse.

Majtalens text har uteslutande hämtats ur pressen. Det innebär att det rör sig om protokollerade, delvis säkert stenograferade texter, men också i form av referat.

Memoria de Hierro - página web y colección

Invitación al acto de presentación de la página web y colección Memoria de Hierro, dedicada a la recuperación de la memoria de los líderes del Metal y la Construcción de la UGT: Edmundo Domínguez Aragonés (1889-1963) y Wenceslao Carrillo Alonso-Forjador (1889-1963), que se realizará el martes día 30 de noviembre de 2010, a las 19 horas, en la Escuela Julián Besteiro (c/. Azcona, 53) de Madrid. La organización obsequiará con un ejemplar de cada libro a todos los asistentes al acto.

The Politics of Poverty and the Politics of the Poor in Modern South Asia

This is to announce the CeMIS History Research Group's second international workshop "The politics of poverty and the politics of the poor in modern South Asia", which will be held in Goettingen from 6 to 8 July 2011. We would be grateful if you forwarded it to colleagues who work on related issues. We hope for a good mix of experienced and younger researchers (including advanced PhD students) and encourage applications from across the social sciences.