Women of the world

CFP: "Women of the world": Women's International Activism in National Contexts from the 19th to the mid-20th Century

UFR Angellier "Langue, Littérature et Civilisations des pays anglophones", Université de Lille 3 13.05.2011, Lille
Deadline: 15.07.2010

This workshop is to focus on the articulation between women's international mobilisations and the national contexts in which they are set. What we wish to cover is the strategies of local, regional, national or supra-national women's organisations towards these new forms of international activism.

Gangs of Victorian Salford and Manchester

Talk on the C19th gangs of Manchester and Salford

On Wednesday 12 May at 6pm the Working Class Movement Library will host the latest in a series of talks accompanying the exhibition 'Invisible Histories: Salford's Working Lives'.

In 'The Gangs of Victorian Salford and Manchester' Andrew Davies will tell tales of scuttling and knife-crime on 19th century streets, and ask what can be learned from Victorian attempts to deal with youth gangs.

Republic, workers and social rights in Latin America

Call for articles
Perseu: história, memória e política
Number 6, 2010 (Portuguese)

The Centro Sergio Buarque de Holanda (CSBH) was established by Fundação Perseu Abramo as a centre for Brazilian Worker's Party history and memory. It produces Perseu: história, memória e política, a history peer-reviewed journal that diffuses researches and reflexions about the left political wing in Brazil and abroad.