2001 - 4 (October)

Articles in this issue

Pre-Mongol Rus": New Sources, New Perspectives?

Pages: 465 - 473

The Latest from Moscovy

Pages: 474 - 486

New Thinking about the Old Empire: Post-Soviet Reflections

Pages: 487 - 496

In Search of the People, In Search of Russia

Pages: 497 - 504

The First Soviet Political Trial: Countess Sofia Panina before the Petrograd Revolutionary Tribunal

Pages: 505 - 525

Abolishing Ambiguity: Soviet Censorship Practices in the 1930s

Pages: 526 - 544

"Russian Scandals": Soviet Readings of American Cybernetics in the Early Years of the Cold War

Pages: 545 - 568

Rethinking the Canonical Text of Pushkin's Boris Gudonov

Pages: 569 - 591

The Soccer Match as Stalinist Ritual: Constructing the Body Social in Lev Kassil's The Goalkeeper of the Republic

Pages: 592 - 613

Three-Rib Circus: Women and Historical Discourse in Rebro Adama

Pages: 614 - 630

Moscow Diaries

Pages: 631 - 634

Book review, by Peter A. Rolland

Kirill of Turov: Bishop, Preacher, Hymnographer

Pages: 635 - 636

Book review, by Julie W. de Sherbinin

Pushkin's Tatiana

Pages: 636 - 637

Book review, by Deborah A. Martinsen

Dostoevsky's Idiot: Dialogue and the Spiritually Good Life

Pages: 637 - 638

Book review, by G.M. Hamburg

Views from the Other Shore: Essays on Herzen, Chekhov and Bakhtin

Pages: 638 - 639

Book review, by Marina Kanevskaya

Retelling Dostoevsky: Literary Responses and Other Observations

Pages: 639 - 641

Book review, by Andrew R. Durkin

The Cambridge Companion to Chekhov

Page: 641

Book review, by Joe Andrew

Representing the Marginal Woman in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature: Personalism, Feminism, and Polyphony

Page: 642

Book review, by Thomas Gaiton Marullo

Vsevolod Garshin at the Turn of the Century: An International Symposium in Three Volumes

Pages: 642 - 643

Book review, by Ronald D. Leblanc

Men without Women: Masculinity and Revolution in Russian Fiction, 1917-1929

Pages: 643 - 645

Book review, by Katherine Lahti

Writint a Useable Past: Russian Literary Culture, 1917-1937

Page: 645

Book review, by Caryl Emerson

The Master and the Slave: Lucács, Bakhtin and the Ideas of Their Time

Pages: 646 - 649

Book review, by Charles Nicol

Torpid Smoke: The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov

Pages: 649 - 649

Book review, by Maria Rubins

Depictions: Slavis Studies in the Narrative and Visual Arts in Honor of William E. Karkins

Page: 650

Book review, by Nicolas B. Breyfogle

Of Religion and Empire: Missions, Conversion and Tolerance in Tsarist Russia

Pages: 650 - 652

Book review, by Adele Lindenmeyr

Blagotvoritel'nost' moskovskikh predrinimatelei, 1860-1914

Pages: 652 - 653

Book review, by Matthew R. Schwonek

Torpid Smoke: The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov

Page: 654

Book review, by E. Thomas Ewing

Classroom and Empire: The Politics of Schooling Russia's Eastern Nationalities, 1860-1917

Pages: 654 - 655

Book review, by Elizabeth Jone Hemenway

Nicholas II: Te Interrupted Transition

Pages: 655 - 656

Book review, by Charles Steinwedel

Islam in Russia: The Four Seasons

Pages: 656 - 657

Book review, by Julie A. Cassiday

Revolutionary Acts: Amateur Theater and the Soviet State, 1917-1938

Pages: 657 - 658

Book review, by Michael Gorham

Maxim Gorky: A Political Biography

Pages: 658 - 659

Book review, by Susan Zayer Rupp

The Bosdhevik Revolution and Russian Civil War

Pages: 659 - 660

Book review, by Sally A. Boniece

Our Daily Bread: Socialist Distribution and the Art of Survival in Stalin's Russia, 1927-1941

Pages: 660 - 661

Book review, by Michael Gelb

Labor Camp Socialism: The Gulag in the Soviet Totalitarian System

Pages: 661 - 662

Book review, by Rosalind Latiner Raby

The Russian Reading Revolution: Print Culture in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Eras

Pages: 662 - 663

Book review, by Muriel Atkin

Azerbaijan: A Quest for Identity - A Short History

Pages: 663 - 664

Book review, by Stephen Crowley

Soviet Labour Ideology and the Collapse of the State

Pages: 664 - 665

Book review, by Alexander Sydorenko

Russia, Ukraine and the Breakup of the Soviet Union

Pages: 665 - 666

Book review, by Peter Shearman

Japan and Russia in Northeast Asia: Partners in the 21st Century

Pages: 666 - 667

Book review, by Theresa Sabonis-Helf

Smokestack Diplomacy: Cooperation and Conflict in East-West Environmental Politics

Pages: 667 - 668

Book review, by Peter J.S. Duncan

Russia and Europe: Conflict of Cooperation?

Page: 668

Book review, by Martha Merritt

Building the Russian State: Institutional Crisis and the Quest for Democratic Governance

Pages: 669 - 670

Book review, by Perry L. Patterson

Work without Wages: Russia's Nonpayment Crisis

Page: 669

Book review, by Robin Bisha

Russia's Fate through Russian Eyes: Voices of the New Generation

Pages: 670 - 671