2001 - 4 (October)
Articles in this issue
Pre-Mongol Rus": New Sources, New Perspectives?
The Latest from Moscovy
New Thinking about the Old Empire: Post-Soviet Reflections
In Search of the People, In Search of Russia
The First Soviet Political Trial: Countess Sofia Panina before the Petrograd Revolutionary Tribunal
Abolishing Ambiguity: Soviet Censorship Practices in the 1930s
"Russian Scandals": Soviet Readings of American Cybernetics in the Early Years of the Cold War
Rethinking the Canonical Text of Pushkin's Boris Gudonov
The Soccer Match as Stalinist Ritual: Constructing the Body Social in Lev Kassil's The Goalkeeper of the Republic
Three-Rib Circus: Women and Historical Discourse in Rebro Adama
Moscow Diaries
Book review, by Peter A. Rolland
Kirill of Turov: Bishop, Preacher, Hymnographer
Book review, by Julie W. de Sherbinin
Pushkin's Tatiana
Book review, by Deborah A. Martinsen
Dostoevsky's Idiot: Dialogue and the Spiritually Good Life
Book review, by G.M. Hamburg
Views from the Other Shore: Essays on Herzen, Chekhov and Bakhtin
Book review, by Marina Kanevskaya
Retelling Dostoevsky: Literary Responses and Other Observations
Book review, by Andrew R. Durkin
The Cambridge Companion to Chekhov
Book review, by Joe Andrew
Representing the Marginal Woman in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature: Personalism, Feminism, and Polyphony
Book review, by Thomas Gaiton Marullo
Vsevolod Garshin at the Turn of the Century: An International Symposium in Three Volumes
Book review, by Ronald D. Leblanc
Men without Women: Masculinity and Revolution in Russian Fiction, 1917-1929
Book review, by Katherine Lahti
Writint a Useable Past: Russian Literary Culture, 1917-1937
Book review, by Caryl Emerson
The Master and the Slave: Lucács, Bakhtin and the Ideas of Their Time
Book review, by Charles Nicol
Torpid Smoke: The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov
Book review, by Maria Rubins
Depictions: Slavis Studies in the Narrative and Visual Arts in Honor of William E. Karkins
Book review, by Nicolas B. Breyfogle
Of Religion and Empire: Missions, Conversion and Tolerance in Tsarist Russia
Book review, by Adele Lindenmeyr
Blagotvoritel'nost' moskovskikh predrinimatelei, 1860-1914
Book review, by Matthew R. Schwonek
Torpid Smoke: The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov
Book review, by E. Thomas Ewing
Classroom and Empire: The Politics of Schooling Russia's Eastern Nationalities, 1860-1917
Book review, by Elizabeth Jone Hemenway
Nicholas II: Te Interrupted Transition
Book review, by Charles Steinwedel
Islam in Russia: The Four Seasons
Book review, by Julie A. Cassiday
Revolutionary Acts: Amateur Theater and the Soviet State, 1917-1938
Book review, by Michael Gorham
Maxim Gorky: A Political Biography
Book review, by Susan Zayer Rupp
The Bosdhevik Revolution and Russian Civil War
Book review, by Sally A. Boniece
Our Daily Bread: Socialist Distribution and the Art of Survival in Stalin's Russia, 1927-1941
Book review, by Michael Gelb
Labor Camp Socialism: The Gulag in the Soviet Totalitarian System
Book review, by Rosalind Latiner Raby
The Russian Reading Revolution: Print Culture in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Eras
Book review, by Muriel Atkin
Azerbaijan: A Quest for Identity - A Short History
Book review, by Stephen Crowley
Soviet Labour Ideology and the Collapse of the State
Book review, by Alexander Sydorenko
Russia, Ukraine and the Breakup of the Soviet Union
Book review, by Peter Shearman
Japan and Russia in Northeast Asia: Partners in the 21st Century
Book review, by Theresa Sabonis-Helf
Smokestack Diplomacy: Cooperation and Conflict in East-West Environmental Politics
Book review, by Peter J.S. Duncan
Russia and Europe: Conflict of Cooperation?
Book review, by Martha Merritt
Building the Russian State: Institutional Crisis and the Quest for Democratic Governance
Book review, by Perry L. Patterson
Work without Wages: Russia's Nonpayment Crisis
Book review, by Robin Bisha
Russia's Fate through Russian Eyes: Voices of the New Generation