1997 - 2 (April)
Articles in this issue
Vladimir Solov'ev on Spiritual Nationhood, Russia and the Jews
Secret Truths and Unheard-of Women: Poliksena Solov'eva's Fiction as Commentary on Vladimir Solov'ev's Theory of Love
The Gallop, The Wolf, The Caress: Eros and Nature in The Tragic Menagerie
Gogol's Research on Ukrainian Customs for the Dikan'ka Tales
The Double Murder in Pil'niak's The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon
Conflict and Crippled Compromise: Civil-War Politics in the East and the Ufa State Conference
The Growth of the Gulag: Forces Labor in the Urals Region, 1929-31
Impressions on the Current State of Film in Russia and the CIS-Reports from Kinotavr
The Search for a New Russia in an (Era of Few Films)
(Everything Will Be Ok): A New Trend in Russian Film
Retro Cinema and New Vistas: Sochi's Kinotavr in 1996
Kinotavr 1996: An End and a New Beginning
Book review, by Savely Senderovich
The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov
Book review, by Boris Briker
Techniques of Satire: The Case of Saltykov-Scedrin
Book review, by David Gillespie
Parable From the Past: The Prose Fiction of Chigiz Aitmatov
Book review, by Olga Peters Hasty
Osip Mandelstam and he Modernist Creation of Tradition
Book review, by Ronald Vroon
Igor'-Severjanin: His Life and Work - The Formal Aspects of His Poetry
Book review, by Shaul Stampfer
Imperial Russia's Jewish Question, 1855-1881
Book review, by Donald Senese
Plekhanov in Russian History
Book review, by George L. Kline
La Mythologie sientifique de communisme
Book review, by Joan Neuberger
Patriotic Culture in Russia during World War I
Book review, by E.A. Rees
Moscow: Governing the Socialist Metropolis
Book review, by James Riordan
Mass Culture in Soviet Russia: Tales, Poems, Songs, Movies, Plays and Folklore, 1917-1953
Book review, by Frederick F. Travis
Concord and Conflict: The United States and Russia, 1867-1914
Book review, by Alfred J. Rieber
Government, Industry and Rearmament in Russia, 1900-1914: The Last Argument of Tsarism
Book review, by Robert D. Warth
The Fall of the Romanovs: Political Dreams and Personal Struggles in a Time of Revolution
Book review, by Yuri Slezkine
In the Soviet House of Culture: A Century of Perestroikas
Book review, by John Bushnell
Common Places: Mythologies of Everyday Life in Russia
Book review, by Stephen White
From Leningrad to St. Petersburg: Democratization in a Russian City
Book review, by Owen V. Johnson
Soviet Media in Transition: Structural and Economic Alternatives
Book review, by Nathaniel Davis
Traditions in New Freedom: Christianity and Higher Education in Russia and Ukraine Today
Book review, by Michael Gorham
Totalitarnyi iazyk: Slovar' i rechevye reakstii