1996 - 3 (December)

Articles in this issue

Of "Old" and "New" Housewives: Everyday Housework and the Limits of Household Rationalization in the Urban Working-Class Milieu of the Weimar Republic

Pages: 305 - 330

In the Name of Socialism: Zionism and European Social Democracy in the Inter-War Years

Pages: 331 - 350

Suggestions and Debates

Class, Race and Democracy in the CIO: The "New" Labor History Meets the "Wages of Whiteness"

Pages: 351 - 374

Suggestions and Debates

"Anti-Heroes of the Working Class": A Response to Bruce Nelson

Pages: 375 - 388

Suggestions and Debates

Segmented Work, Race-Conscious Workers : Structure, Agency and Division in the CIO Era

Pages: 389 - 406

Suggestions and Debates

Working-Class Agency and Racial Inequality

Pages: 407 - 420

Book Review, by Jan Kok

Fertility, class and gender in Britain, 1860-1940

Pages: 421 - 424

Book Review, by Michael Hanagan

Ces migrants qui font le proletariat

Pages: 424 - 426

Book Review, by Alrich Meyer

Staatskollaboration. Vichy und der Arbeitskräfteeinsatz im Dritten Reich

Pages: 426 - 428

Book Review, by Leo van Rossum

Modell SPD? Italienische Sozialisten und deutsche Sozialdemokratie bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg

Pages: 428 - 429

Book Review, by Mira Bogdanovic

Sozialgeschichte Serbiens 1815-1941

Pages: 430 - 431

Book Review, by Dick Kooiman

Caste, nationalism and communism in south India

Pages: 431 - 433

Book Review, by Vijay Prashad

The Politics of Labour Under Late Colonialism

Pages: 434 - 435


Pages: 437 - 467

News of the Profession

Pages: 469 - 474