1989 - 2

Articles in this issue

The making of Russian female Social Democrats, 1890-1917

Pages: 193 - 226

The making of a female Marxist: E.D. Kuskova's conversion to Russian social democracy

Pages: 227 - 247

Tito: the formation of a disloyal Bolshevik

Pages: 248 - 271


Searching for lost archives: the role of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront in the pillage of West European trade-union archives

Pages: 272 - 286

Suggestions and debates

Working-class power and the 1946 pension reform in Sweden: a modest Festschrift contribution

Pages: 287 - 308

Suggestions and debates

The sound of one hand clapping: a comment on the "rank and filism" debate

Pages: 309 - 326

Review essay

The historical meanings of work [review of The historical meanings of work; edited by Patrick Joyce]

Pages: 327 - 332

Book Review by Karen Barkey

The social origins of the modern Middle East. (1987)

Pages: 333 - 336

Book Review by Ahlrich Meyer

Charles Fourier: the visionary and his world. (1987)

Pages: 336 - 339

Book Review by Royden Harrison

Machinery, money and the millennium: from moral economy to socialism, 1815-60. (1987)

Pages: 339 - 340

Book Review by Charles L. Bertrand

Neutral Europe between war and revolution, 1917-23. (1988)

Pages: 341 - 343

Book Review by Wim Bot

Das Londoner Büro: Europäische Linkssozialisten in der Zwischenkriegszeit. (1985)

Pages: 343 - 346

Book Review by Tim Mason

Protest und Kontrolle im Dritten Reich: Nationalsozialistische Herrschaft im Alltag einer rheinischen Großstadt. (1987)

Pages: 346 - 348

Book Review by Kees van der Pijl

Labour under the Marshall Plan: the politics of productivity and the marketing of management science. (1987)

Pages: 348 - 349


Pages: 350 - 385

News of the Profession I: Institutional News

The Hamburg Foundation for 20th Century Social History

Pages: 386 - 391

News of the Profession II: Announcements

Pages: 391 - 392


Page: 393


Page: 394


Page: 395

Notes on Contributors

Page: 396