2009 - 1 (April)
Articles in this issue
New Directions in Chartist Studies
French Revolution or Peasants' Revolt? Petitioners and Rebels in England from the Blanketeers to the Chartists
Hearts and Minds: The Politics of Everyday Life and Chartism, 1832-1840
'Songs for the Millions': Chartist Music and Popular Aural Tradition
'Labour's Candidates': Chartist Challenges at the Parliamentary Polls, 1938-1860
Exclusive Dealing in the Chartist Movement
Late Chartism in the Potteries, 1848-1858
Book review by Stephen Roberts
Dr. John Taylor, Chartist. Ayrshire Revolutionary
Book review by Stephen Roberts
Chartism after 1848. The Working Class and the Politics of Radical Education
Book review by Roman McWilliam
The British Working Class, 1832-1940
Book review by Stephen Roberts
Chartism: A New History
Book review by Stephen Roberts
Our Orignal Rights as a People: Representations of the Chartist Encyclopaedic Network and Political, Social and Cultural Change in Early Nineteenth Century Britain.
Book review by Stephen Roberts
Gerald Massey
Book review by James Owen
Joseph Cowen and Popular Radicalism on Tyneside, 1829-1900