2012 - 1 (January)

Articles in this issue

Page: ii

Finding Improbable Salamanders

Pages: 1 - 5

Defending the Rights of Gulag Prisoners: The Story of the Political Red Cross, 1918-38

Pages: 6 - 29

The Put' of Perekovka: Transforming Lives at Stalin's White Sea-Baltic Canal

Pages: 30 - 48

Gulag Tourism: Khrushchev's "Show" Prisons in the Cold War Context, 1954-59

Pages: 49 - 78

Family Romances in The Noise of Time: Mandelstam's Autobiography as an Allegory for Literary Activity

Pages: 79 - 99

Confessions of a Psikhopatka: Opera Fandom and the Melodramatic Sensibility in Fin-de Siècle Russia

Pages: 100 - 121

Essay by Zoe Knox

Church, State and Belief in Post-Soviet Russia

Pages: 122 - 127

Book review by Louise McReynolds

The Space of the Book: Print Culture in the Russian Social Imagination

Page: 128

Book review by Marha M.F. Kelly

Alter Icons: The Russian Icon and Modernity

Pages: 129 - 130

Book review by John Garrard

The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Russian Literature

Pages: 130 - 131

Book review by A.F. Zweers

De l'émigré au Déraciné: La "Jeune Génération" des écrivains Russes Entre Identité et Esthétique (Paris 1920-1940)

Pages: 131 - 132

Book review by Stephen Press

The People's Artist: Prokofiev's Soviet Years

Pages: 132 - 133

Book review by William C. Brumfield

Through Soviet Jewish Eyes: Photography, War and the Holocaust

Pages: 133 - 135

Book review by Alexandra Smith

"I am to be read not from left to right, but in Jewish: from right to left": The Poetics of Boris Slutsky

Pages: 135 - 136

Book review by John Kopper

Vladimir Nobokov and the Art of Play

Pages: 136 - 137

Book review by Clint Walker

Leningrad Poetry 1953-1975: The Thaw Generation

Pages: 137 - 138

Book review by Jane Knox-Voina

Indian Films in Soviet Cinema

Pages: 138 - 139

Book review by Bettina Jungen

History Becomes Form: Moscow Conceptualism

Pages: 139 - 140

Book review by Ralfis Abazov

Russkaia proza Kazakhstana: Posledniaia chetvert' XX veka-pervoe desiatiletie XXI veka

Pages: 140 - 141

Book review by Benjamin Sutcliffe

Russian Postmodernist Metafiction

Pages: 141 - 142

Book review by Alexander Sydorenko

Tentorium Honorum: Essays presented to Frank E. Sysyn on His Sixtieth Birthday

Pages: 142 - 143

Book review by Geoffrey Swain

A Concise History of the Baltic States

Pages: 143 - 144

Book review by Richard G. Robbins jr.

Gubernatorskii korpus i tsentral'naia vlast': Problema vzaimootnoshenii

Pages: 144 - 145

Book review by Alexey Golubev

Karelia Written and Sung: Representations of Locality in Soviet and Russian Contexts

Pages: 145 - 147

Book review by Marina Swoboda

Istoriia sub"ektivnosti: Dreviaia Rus'. Prilozhenie k zhurnalu "Srednie veka"

Pages: 147 - 148

Book review by Christian Raffensperger

Portraits of Old Russia: Imagined Lives of Ordinary people, 1300-1725

Pages: 148 - 149

Book review by Daniel Kaiser

Old Believers in a Changing World

Page: 149

Book review by Kees Boterbloem

Severnaia i vostochnaia Tartariia

Pages: 150 - 151

Book review by Peter B. Brown

Stuarts and Romanovs: The Rise and Fall of a Special Relationship

Pages: 151 - 152

Book review by Ludwig Steindorff

"Chetyre vozrasta zhenshchiny": Povsednevnaia zhizn' russkoi provintsial'noi dvorianki XVIII-seerediny XIX vv.

Pages: 152 - 153

Book review by Anders Henriksson

Proniknovenie i primenenie diskursa natsional'nosti v Rossii i SSSR v konts XVIII-pervoi polovine XX vv

Page: 154

Book review by Lynn M. Sargeant

The Emergence of Russian Liberalism: Alexander Kunitsyn in Context, 1783-1840

Page: 155

Book review by Matt Miller

Russian America: An Overseas Colony of a Continental Empire, 1804-1867

Pages: 155 - 156

Book review by David B. Miller

The Heart of Russia: Trinity-Sergius, Monasticism and Society after 1825

Pages: 156 - 158

Book review by David Goldfrank

The Crimean War: A History

Pages: 158 - 159

Book review by Alan Kimball

Russkii krai, chuzhaia vera: Etnokonfessional'naia politika imperii v Litve i Belorussii pri Aleksandre II

Pages: 159 - 160

Book review by Jacob W. Kipp

Learning from Foreign Wars: Russian Military Strategy, 1859-73

Pages: 160 - 162

Book review by Beatrice Penati

Le Turkestan Russe: Une colonie comme les autres?

Pages: 162 - 163

Book review by Mary W. Cavender

Breaking the Ties That Bound: The Politics of Marital Strife in Late Imperial Russia

Pages: 163 - 164

Book review by Michael D. Gordin

Engineer of Revolutionary Russia: Iurii V. Lomonosov (1876-1952) and the Railways

Pages: 164 - 165

Book review by Kate Transchel

Soviet Medicine: Culture, Practice and Science

Pages: 165 - 166

Book review by Brian Bonhomme

Face to the Village: The Riazan Countryside under Soviet Rule, 1921-1930

Pages: 166 - 167

Book review by Malte Griesse

Individuum und Herrschaft im Stalinismus: Emel'jan Jaroslavskij (1878-1943)

Pages: 167 - 168

Book review by Alan Barenberg

Stalinizm v sovetskoi provintsii: 1937-1938. Massovaia operatsiia na osnove Prikaza No. 00447

Pages: 169 - 170

Book review by Alan Barenberg

Massovye repressii v Altaiskom krae 1937-1938 gg.: Prikaz No. 00447

Pages: 169 - 170

Book review by Lisa A. Kirschenbaum

Separate Schools: Gender, Policy and Practice in Postwar Soviet Education

Pages: 170 - 171

Book review by Felix Ackermann

Minsk - Musterstadt des Sozialismus. Stadtplanung und Urbanisierung in der Sowjetunion nach 1945

Pages: 171 - 172

Book review by Sergei I. Zhuk

The Ukrainian West: Culture and the Fate of Empire in Soviet Lviv

Page: 172

Book review by Martin Kitchen

A Good Example of Peaceful Coexistence? The Soviet Union, Austria and Neutrality, 1955-1991

Page: 173

Book review by Luc Beaudoin

Ethnosexual Processes: Realities, Stereotypes and Narratives

Page: 174

Book review by Kathryn Hendley

The Constitution of the Russian Federation: a Contextual Analysis

Page: 175

Book review by William Tompson

No Precedent, No Plan: Inside Russia's 1998 Default

Page: 176

Book review by J. Paul Goode

Political Consequences of Crony Capitalism inside Russia

Page: 177

Book review by Henry E. Hale

Constructing Grievance: Ethnic Nationalism in Russia's Republics

Pages: 178 - 179

Book review by Mark Galeotti

State Building in Putin's Russia: Policing and Coercion after Communism

Page: 178

Book review by Laurence Broers

Exploring the Caucasus in the 21st Century: Essays on Culture, History and Politics in a Dynamic Context

Pages: 179 - 181

Book review by Mia Bloom

Allah's Angels: Chechen Women in War

Pages: 181 - 182
Page: 183