IISH Archival Collections

Over 400 finding aids now online

Over the past few years the International Institute of Social History has digitized part of the finding aids to its archival collections. Over 400 of them are now online, in HTML or SGML format, or both. They cover the collections of Wolfgang Abendroth, Friedrich and Kathia Adler, Fritz Brupbacher, the Bureau Socialiste International, the Communist Parties of Bangladesh and Egypt, Fedor Dan, the European Trade Union Confederation, Jeanne Humbert, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the Labour and Socialist International, G.P. Maksimov, the Partiia Sotsialistov-Revoliutsionerov, Georgii Plekhanov, Rudolf Rocker, Otto Rühle, Dora Russell, the Socialist International, Kemal Sülker, Lev Trotskii, and the War Resisters' International, among many others.

Please consult www.iisg.nl/archives/findingaids.html

Posted: 30 October 2001