
New H-Net discussion list

ANNOUNCING H-LABOR-ARTS: H-Net Network on the Cultural and Artistic Heritages of Working People
Sponsored by H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences On-line, Michigan State University


H-Labor-Arts brings together historians, labor activists, artists, curators and others for a broad-based discussion about the cultural and artistic artifacts of the labor movement and of working people over the course of history. The banners, placards, buttons, paintings, photographs, cartoons and songs that have moved workers to action on many fronts over the years are the focus of the discussion; images of many of the items under discussion can be found on the web museum LaborArts.org. We aim to encourage interested parties from different disciplines and occupations to pursue common lines of inquiry, facilitate the gathering of important historical information about labor art and artifacts, and spark conversations between historians, artists and activists.

H-LABOR-ARTS is co-edited by Rachel Bernstein, New York University (Rachel.bernstein@nyu.edu) and Henry Foner. It is advised by a board of scholars.

Like all H-Net lists, H-Labor-Arts is moderated to edit out material that, in the editors' opinion, is not germane to the list, involves technical matters (such as subscription management requests), is inflammatory, or violates evolving, yet common, standards of Internet etiquette. H-Net's procedure for resolving disputes over list editorial practices is Article II, Section 2.20 of our bylaws, located at www2.h-net.msu.edu/about/by-laws.html.

Logs and more information can also be found at the H-Net Web Site, located at www2.h-net.msu.edu/~laborart.

To join H-LABOR-ARTS, please send a message from the account where you wish to receive mail, to:


(with no signatures or styled text, word wrap off for long lines) and only this text:

sub H-LABOR-ARTS firstname lastname, institution

Example: sub h-LABOR-ARTS Leslie Jones, Pacific State U

Follow the instructions you receive by return mail. If you have questions or experience difficulties in attempting to subscribe, please send a message to: help@mail.h-net.msu.edu.

H-Net is an international network of scholars in the humanities and social sciences that creates and coordinates electronic networks, using a variety of media, and with a common objective of advancing humanities and social science teaching and research. H-Net was created to provide a positive, supportive, equalitarian environment for the friendly exchange of ideas and scholarly resources, and is hosted by Michigan State University. For more information about H-Net, write to H-Net@H-net.msu.edu, or point your web browser to: www2.h-net.msu.edu.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Rachel Bernstein and Henry Foner
H-Labor-Arts Editors