Enterprises and Institutions

CFP: Portuguese Economic and Social History Association

Aveiro (Portugal) 15-16 November 2002

Call for Papers

The Portuguese Economic and Social History Association (Associacao Portuguesa de Historia Economica e Social - APHES) holds its XXII Meeting in Aveiro, on 15-16 November 2002.

The general theme of the XXII Meeting is "Enterprises and Institutions in Historical Perspective." However, following the practice of previous meetings, papers on other themes of economic and social history are welcome.

The Organizing Committee would like to stress that the general theme is not confined to Portugal, but that papers on other countries, especially those inviting comparative analysis, are welcome.

We would also like to encourage the study of the recent decades which, in their groundbreaking entrepreneurial and institutional changes, provide important themes for reflection and debate, open to the participation of researchers from different disciplines.

Reference schedule:

  • Submission of proposals for papers and panel sessions: 30 May 2002
  • Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2002
  • Delivery of papers: 30 September 2002

Proposals for papers should include a 2-3 page summary. The final papers should not exceed 45000 characters.

Panel session proposals should be presented by their coordinator(s), with a minimum of three papers per panel.

The site provides updated information.

The Organizing Committee:
Joaquim da Costa Leite, chairman
Manuel Ferreira Rodrigues
Antonio Ferreira Gomes


C/o. Sonia Fidalgo
Universidade de Aveiro
3810 193 Aveiro
Telephone and fax: 351-234401567