The Iron Column

Ann: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library nr 46-47

The Iron Column (Columna de Hierro)
Anarchist militia column raised in Valencia (Las Salesas) in 1936; it was particularly feared by a variety of communists and reactionaries and none too well-liked by the CNT leadership because of its ideological staunchness and commitment to social revolution and libertarian communism. It grew out of the banding together of anarchist assault forces (from the CNT, FAI and FIJL) that stormed the barracks in Valencia. These original numbers were made up entirely of the most tried and tested, steadfast components of Valencian anarchism (the most uncompromising CNT and FAI personnel: according to some sources, the more moderate members favoured the Torres-Benedito Column)...

Read more in: KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library, #46-7, (July 2006), Puig Antich/ Spanish Revolution/ Iron Column special.
Lecera, an Aragonese village living amid Libertarian Communism. From Colectivizaciones: la obra constructiva de la revolución Española
The Iron Column (Columna de Hierro) by Miguel Iniguez
'La Jabalina' ('The Wild Sow'): a Woman Shot for Standing by the Revolution by Benjamin Lajo and Rafa Montaner
The Valencian Durruti [Jose Pellicer] By Juan Antonio Blay
Available now, New Pamphlet: The Iron Column: Testament of a Revolutionary by Elias Manzanera
Coming Soon: Abel Paz, The Iron Column: Militant Anarchism in the Spanish Civil War, available from:
Kate Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London, WC1N 3XX
Kate Sharpley Library, PMB 820, 2425 Channing Way, Berkeley CA 94704, USA
and will be posted at: [url][/url]