Alternativmedien 2006/2007

Book ann: AG SPAK Bücher

Verzeichnis der alternativmedien 2006/2007

Fifteen years after the Verzeichnis der Alternativmedien (managed by ID-Archiv im IISG and with adresses from Germany, Switzerland and Austria) this book provides public access to periodicals from the wide area of alternative and left-wing purposes in Germany. The book contains adresses and other details of 455 titles published in Germany as well as ten essays in German about the history of some of the periodicals.

As a special service there is a database with the names and web adresses of all titles: see [url][/url]

The editor Bernd Hüttner is a political scientist and founder of the non-govermental Archiv der sozialen Bewegungen at Bremen, Germany ([url][/url]), in 2000.

Bernd Hüttner (Hg): Das VERZEICHNIS DER alternativMEDIEN 2006/2007. 219 S., 18 Euro, ISBN 3-930830-77-9; AG SPAK Bücher Neu-Ulm 2006