IISH Research Fellowships 2012

Call for applications, deadline 15 October 2011

The International Institute of Social History (IISH) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) is located in Amsterdam. Founded in 1935, it is one of the world's largest documentary and research institutions in the field of social history in general and the history of the labour movement in particular. IISH holds over 3,000 archival collections, some one million printed volumes and about as many audio-visual items. Gathered from across the globe, the IISH collections provide a unique body of materials on social conditions and social movements in many parts of the world.

Facilitating the use of these materials for research by the global scholarly community is central to the mission of the IISH. Whereas scholars from Western Europe and North America regularly find their way to Amsterdam, the institute's collections are less widely known among social historians from other parts of the world, in particular from developing countries. With the generous help of the retail financial service provider SNS Reaal, IISH can now launch a fellowship programme for researchers located in these regions who wish to use its collections for the study of social history, preferably labour history, whether from a regional, national, or comparative and transnational perspective.

Period: Fellowships are awarded for five months. Each year there are two rounds. This is a call for applications for fellowships for the periods 1 February - 30 June 2012 and 1 September 2012 - 31 January 2013. The call for applications for both of these rounds is open from 1 September until 15 October 2011. Candidates should clearly indicate on their applications which of these two rounds they are applying for. After award the fellowships cannot be transferred to a period of stay different from the one indicated in the original application. A call for fellowships to start in 2013 will follow in due course.

Regions:For the current two rounds we invite applications especially from Africa and Latin America, next to South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, and the Caucasus.

Minimum requirements: a Ph.D. degree or equivalent academic track record. The fellow's research plan should fit the Institute's focus on social history and make a demonstrable use of the Institute's library and/or archival collections. A close link with the Institute's research programme on 'Global Labour History' is strongly recommended. Fellows are expected to write a report on their research activities at the end of the fellowship period, to take part in the activities of the Institute's Research Department, and to give at least one public lecture.

Applications should be submitted between 1 September and 15 October 2011, using the application form which can be found at http://www.iisg.nl/research/fellowships.php

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