ELHN Working Group Remuneration and Bargaining

Call for membership, deadline 15 March 2022

Call for New Members

European Labour History Network Working Group Remuneration and Bargaining

The aim of the ELHN Working Group Remuneration and Bargaining is to analyse the variety of forms of remuneration and its diverse social and economic contexts in a long-term perspective, while rejecting any teleological approach that presumes the succession of some forms to others. Remuneration for/of labour has taken many forms over the centuries and millennia, and has been the result of complex socio-economic relations which have included the family, the owners of capital and the labour force. Remuneration can differ according to the way in which it is calculated, for example time, piece or task rate; the way it is paid, for example in kind, in cash or mixed forms; or the frequency of payment, such as daily, weekly, monthly. Remuneration may include “benefits” like housing, clothing, food and lodging, but also financial aids and gratuities delivered exceptionally. Fines, penalties, absences, poor quality of work, rents of working tools or housing can reduce remuneration levels. This variety of forms of remuneration is often the result of power-relations emanating from struggles and conflicts between formal and informal organizations, all of which are key players to be analysed.

The Working Group Remuneration and Bargaining has been active for four years. During this time, the group has had the opportunity to engage with scholars from around the world during workshops, symposiums, and the European Labour History Network Conferences. It has also produced several publications as a result of these exchanges.

In a bid to expand its intellectual horizons, the Working Group invites scholars working on labour history, history of wages and resistance, economic and social history, or any other related field to send expressions of interest for membership in the group. We welcome PhD students and early career scholars working on any region or time period.

Please send a short biography including your name, affiliation, thesis or project, and general interests to remuneration.elhn@gmail.com latest by 15 March 2022.

For more information, visit the home page of the ELHN Working Group Remuneration and Bargaining
