Patrimonio minero. Memoria y recurso para el desarrollo local

Summer course (in Spanish), 13-15 July 2022, Cuevas de Almanzora, Spain

Labour in Mining is co-organising the Summer Course (in spanish) “Patrimonio minero. Memoria y recurso para el desarrollo local” in Cuevas de Almanzora (Spain), July 13-15, 2022.

Abstract (translated in English)

The mining expansion of the 19th and 20th centuries has left an important tangible and intangible legacy in the regions where it took place.

This mining heritage, as a substantive part of the industrial heritage, has become a major resource for the development of the territories in many areas of Europe and Spain. The initiatives for its knowledge, for its dissemination and for its use in the enrichment of the tourist and recreational offer, are more and more numerous.

This course will be held in one of the centers with the highest density of this type of heritage in Spain: the municipality of Cuevas del Almanzora in whose municipal district is located one of the neuralgic areas of the Spanish mining development of the 19th century: the Sierra de Almagrera, where since 1839 and for more than a century a prodigious development took place and which we can consider the most influential event in the economic history of Almeria in the 19th century.

The speakers in this course will approach this subject from a broad perspective that includes both the economic, technological, social and cultural components of mining heritage and history, as well as its possibilities as a resource for territorial development.


Find here the program and more information
