Young Mining Historians Corner: a blog series by Labour In Mining WG

Information and announcements

The Young Mining Historians Corner is a blog post series edited by the Labour In Mining WG dedicated to early career researchers in mining history broadly construed.


The blog series consists in monthly periodical and blog posts about ongoing interdisciplinary research that touches upon mining history from various methodological perspectives.


LiM WG highly encourages interdisciplinary contributions from all social and human sciences, concerning a wide variety of topics including (non exhaustive list) labour and history of labour related issues, environment, science and technology, living conditions and inequalities in mining communities, business and management, material and non-material heritage, cultural studies including literature and music, industrial archeology, methodological debates.


The YMHC series fosters new research and collaborative work, while circulating news about research projects among its members.


Researchers are highly invited to send a proposal at by filling the form you find here:


The series counts nowadays seven issues:


1: Opening

2: Junior mining occupations in 19th century British coalfields, by G. Solomon

3: Food in mining : some notes from Mediterranean cases, by F. Sanna

4: Mines in Northern Greece, 1912-1940 (PhD Thesis), by D. Iordanidou

5: A study of sound and voice during coal miners’ strikes, Northern France, (1833-1884), by A. Quièvre

6: Organising musical practices in mining brass bands (1947-84), by M. Henry

7: Utopia, nostalgia and vision: deindustrialisation in a former Hungarian mining area, by P. Alabán


You find the complete series here:


Contact LiM WG for more information at



YMHC editors: Francesca Sanna, Gabriele Marcon, Nikolaos Olma