CfP: Reflections from the archives 50 years after the Coup d’Etat in Chile

Call for papers, deadline 13 October 2023

November 22, 2023 - Online format

The CIDOC Research and Documentation Center of the Finis Terrae University opens the call for papers for the seminar "Reflections from the archives 50 years after the Coup d'état in Chile". This instance aims to promote the meeting, discussion and exchange of experiences from the archives -understanding these from their definition as documents and institutions-, emphasizing their contextual probative and informative value, expanding their historical and social visibility, their relationship with the reconstruction of memory and their revision from the perspective of the field of research.

After the seminar, the participants will be asked to send their papers in article format to be evaluated and, in compliance with the editorial requirements, they may be published in a dossier of Amoxtli, academic journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Communications of the Finis Terrae University.

The seminar is an open and free activity, which brings together researchers, students, institutions and archivists oriented to the discussion of the following thematic axes:

-Suppression and rescue of archives: the cases of organizations of resistance and State repression
-Resignification of archives in their role of reconstruction of historical memory
-Documents in exile: international coordination and collaboration
-Personal archives and testimonials
-Access to Information: Human Rights, truth and justice
-Education and archives: new approaches, knowledge and historical perspectives


- October 13: final deadline for proposals submission.
- October 25: the accepted proposals are reported and the final program is published.
- November 22: holding the meeting in online format. Each presentation will have a duration of 15 minutes.

Those interested should send an email indicating their personal data and institutional affiliation. Additionally, it is requested to send a summary of the presentation of 250 words and 3 key concepts. Proposals must be sent to or and will be evaluated by a commission made up of CIDOC members.
