“Control and punishment devices”
3rd International Conference on History of Prison and Punitive Institutions
14 to 16 January 2026, Iruñea - Pamplona.
Universidad Pública de Navarra – Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa.
The Group for the Study of History of Prison and Punitive Institutions organises the 3rd
International Conference on the History of Prison and Punitive Institutions, under the title Control
and punishment devices, following up the 2nd Conference held in Albacete in September 2019.
The aim of the Conference is to articulate a space for fruitful exchange, for sharing lines of research
recently carried out in the field of punitiveness, taking into account the control and disciplinary
logics that are projected in different institutions and geographies. As in previous editions of this
Conference, there is a clear intention of bringing closer contributions both from the
historiographical field (from the Middle Ages to Contemporary History and even immediate
history) and the analyses most concerned with current modulations of the punitive, which are being
promoted from other disciplines such as Sociology, Anthropology or Law. This will be a great
opportunity to update the state of the historical investigation on control and punishment
experiences and institutions from a multidisciplinary perspective. Furthermore, in a context
marked by a growing presence of warfare, projecting itself onto different social dimensions, we
deem necessary and urgent to reflect again with a critical eye on the ways in which the notion of
punishment can be rethought and the forms it has taken and takes in different social spheres.
The conference has been organised in the framework of a research project:
“Historia y presente del control social, las instituciones punitivas y los cuerpos de seguridad en
España (siglos XX-XXI): Prácticas, discursos y representaciones culturales”
Proposal submission
Proposals for interventions at the conference may take two forms, each of which has its own
• Written communication: A first version of the texts will be distributed among
the participants of each table or session before the conference, and a final version
will be published in a collective book, if the authors are interested in doing so.
The proposal should include:
◦ Title
◦ Short introduction of the author (5 – 10 lines)
◦ Abstract (200 words)
◦ Chronological and thematical axis in which is included
• Talk: In this case there is no commitment to publication by the organising
committee, although the proposal will be distributed in advance to the
participants of each round table. The proposal must include:
◦ Title
◦ Short introduction of the author (5 – 10 lines)
◦ 2.000-word text explaining the broad outline of the intervention
◦ Chronological and thematical axis in which is included
The scientific committee, taking into account the number of proposals received and the logistical
capacity of the conference, will be responsible for accepting the proposals and placing them in the
different sessions according to what it deems most appropriate. As a general rule, priority will be
given to interventions accompanied by a written communication.
The conference will have a face-to-face format, although at some tables, depending on the proposals
received and logistical issues, there will be the possibility of on-line participation by speakers from
other continents.
With regard to language, written communications will be accepted in any of the official languages
of the Spanish state, as well as in English and Portuguese. The sessions will generally be held in
Spanish, although those responsible for each session may facilitate the participation of speakers in
other languages, depending on the proposals received
Fees and registration procedure
Regarding registration for the conference, it is necessary to bear in mind that:
• Registration to the conference is required for the definitive acceptance and incorporation of
the papers into the structure of the conference.
• The date and procedure for registration will be detailed in the second circular and online:
• The registration fee will be 25 euros
• Enrolment in the conference may be recognised with 1 ECTS credit for UPNA students
Schedule and registration
With a view to the preparation and spreading of the conference we would like to make known
from now on what will be some reference dates:
• Submission of communication proposals:
◦ Deadline: 14 March 2025.
◦ Proposals will be sent to the following e-mail address:
• Second circular letter:
◦ Publication date: May 2025
◦ The second circular will indicate the structure of the conference sessions and the
papers accepted in each of them.
◦ Depending on the proposals finally received, this structure may be slightly modified
in the third circular.
• Submission of the texts of the communications:
◦ Texts may be submitted until 20 October 2025.
◦ The scientific committee will evaluate the texts and reserves the right to
request corrections before the final acceptance of the papers.
• Access to the texts of the communications:
◦ During the month of November 2025, the submitted texts will be sent to those
registered for the conference.
• Publication of the proceedings:
◦ In the course of 2026 the GEHPIP will publish a book in digital format with the final
proceedings of the conference.
More info: https://www.unavarra.es/congreso-historia-prision/presentation?language…