Photographers, video-makers and film-makers have readily taken an interest in street demonstrations, parades, marches and other gatherings. Sociologists, anthropologists, semiologists, historians, political scientists and other social scientists have done the same, the latter sometimes using iconographic material provided by the former. This issue of Images du travail, travail des images sets out to stimulate a meeting of minds, or at the very least, to encourage a cross-fertilisation of views. What can we learn from these moments when work is suspended, for a moment or for a day dedicated by the demonstrators to publicly asserting their demands? How do the images produced open up opportunities for a better understanding of the actions of people engaged in protest action? The focus is on the banners, placards and other objects displayed by the demonstrators, but also on the moments of preparation for the action and on the new practices of those who report on these events through images.