Social and Labour History News

Call for abstracts
Ann: a new guide at Tamiment
Ann: a conference in Berlin
Review: Frijia on Aulenbacher and Wetterer (German text)
Programme, 1-4 September
New items on the IISH website in July 2010
CFP: a conference at Duke University, April 2011
Ann: a conference in Nottingham, 6-9 September
Reviews, July 2010 (German text)
Review: Bloch on Voigt (German text)
Ann: a workshop in Cambridge, 24-25 Sep
Ann: Bulletin of the F. Largo Caballero
TOC: vol 46/3
Review: Lapied on Heuer (French text)
Review: Uhl on Lukasz et al.
Review: Priest on Van Zanden et al.
Review: Kannan on Sarkar & Sarkar
Ann: a conference in Erfurt, 28-29 Oct (German text)