Social and Labour History News

Review: Oberender on Service (German text)
Call for applications
Review: Grassi on Gusmão (Portuguese text)
Ann: Bulletin of the F. Largo Caballero
Reviews, May 2010 (German text)
CFP: a book and a conference, Bonn 11-12 Nov
TOC: issue (2009), 23-24 (German text)
CFP: a conference in Manchester, April 2011
Ann: Fee Bursary PhD Studentship
TOC: Bulletin No. 62
Reviews, April 2010 (German text)
New items on the IISH website in April and May 2010
Ann: a symposium in Auckland City, 4 November
Ann: LHR anniversary issue
CFP: a workshop in Amsterdam, 18-19 November
Ann: a major collections digitization project