Social and Labour History News

23 Book reviews (German and English)
TOC: 19 (2010) 1
Ann: SSLH conference, Manchester, 15 May
Book ann: University of Illinois
TOC: issue 2010:2 (Dutch text)
Ann: 2 events in Salford, 6 March
Ann: a history walk in Manchester, 28 February
Call for applications
Newsletter 2010:2 (Italian text)
Ann: an LSH conference, London, 27 February
CFP: The SSHA Labor Network
CFP: a workshop in London, 28 April
Ann: Bulletin of the F. Largo Caballero
Book ann: PUR (English and French text)
Reviews, November 2009 (German text)
TOC: Vol.6 no.1 (January 2010)
New items on the IISH website in January 2010
Ann: programme of a conference in Leeds, 19-20 Feb
CFP: a workshop in Bremen, May 2011