Social and Labour History News

CFP: a conference in New Delhi, 2-5 Dec
Ann: a book and conference in Berlin, 9-10 April
Review: Robinson on Lipman
Ann: meeting in Cornwall, PA, 8 May
CFP: a conference at UCSB, February 2011
CFP: a workshop in St Andrews, 16-17- September
Book ann: AK Press
Book ann: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
CFP: a conference in Lisbon, 19-20 November
Book ann: Viella (Italian text)
Book ann: University of Illinois
Ann: a conference in Paris, 2-4 July
New publication: The Kate Sharpley Library
CFP: 32nd NALHC, Detroit, 21-23 Oct
CFP: Left History
CFP: a colloquium at the Un. of Illinois, 16-17 April
Book ann: Imprint Academic
New items on the IISH website in February 2010