Social and Labour History News

Review: Parnaby on Pathy
Colloquium in Paris, 4-5 March 2006 (French text)
Ann: a seminar in Wellington, NZ, 4-5 November 2006
Ann: winners of its first competition
Facsimile of British Trotskyist journal from the 1930s
Conference in Manchester
Conference program, Keele University, UK, 6 May 2006
Ann: the Fundación F. Largo Caballero (in Spanish)
Is looking for a librarian
Book ann: New Clarion Press
CFP: a conference in New Orleans, Oct 2006
Bulletin of the Fundación Largo Caballero (in Spanish)
Ann: conference program, Aix-en-Provence 30-31 May
Ann: 2006 Kenny Prize Lecture
Ann: exhibition in Bruxelles
Review: Herrigel on Thelen